Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Q & A 4

(Q) You spoke about Universal brotherhood, but if a non-muslim boy, will marry a muslim girl… no one will tolerate - Where does universal brotherhood go ?
(Ans) It’s a very  good question asked by the brother -that no one will agree, that a non-muslim person marries a muslim person -where does Universal brotherhood, go? It is like you asking me -that we will make a car, in which one  tyre… is a cycle tyre, and the other is a truck tyre -how will the  car run?… how will the car run? See...the way of life should  be same -Wife is a life partner. In Islam, Qur’an says that…The marriage is a ‘Misaak’… sacred covenant… is a sacred covenant. It’s not like… that she becomes your slave. It’s a sacred covenant - Both have equal rights, on to one another. If the way of life is different, one person will say that… I  will  go to the church this day -and one person will say…I  will go to the Mosque -and they start worshipping different  things. Then it will not be a good vehicle -the vehicle can’t run. So for the family to run good, both should have the same philosophy -its very important. If they have different philosophies, it will surely won’t run. Therefore I said, that Islam believes in Universal  brotherhood… all the humans, are my brothers. But the muslims are my brothers in faith. See… you have different Christians . A Christian also… if that Christian doesn’t agree with your view, you will even not marry that Christian. A Christian that doesn’t agree with you Christian  philosopy…you will not marry that Christian  also. Because the philosophy of both the life partners should be same - then it will be a very smooth sailing. If the philosophy will differ, it will be like a cycle tyre and a truck tyre -the vehicle will not go. That is the reason why,  the philosophy and  way of life, of both the partners, should be same.
(Q) Why is it, non-muslims are looked  down upon, and  known as Kafirs… is used  in a different manner, which critics other Religion?
(Ans) The question passed is… why do you call the Non-muslims  as kafirs, and why do you look down upon them. Brother, the Arabic word ‘Kaafir’, comes from the root word ‘kufr’… which means to deny, to cancel. In context of the Qur’an, it means… Who denies the one truth of Islam so any one – Who is a non-muslim. So Arabic word kafir,  is another word for… Non-muslim. So if you  are a  non-muslim,  I will  have to call you a non-muslim . The Arabic word for non-muslim is Kaafir. If you feel that Kaafir… calling Kaafir,  is  abusive…its wrong, then you should become a muslim. See… if someone tells me…I am a Non-Hindu, why should I feel bad. I mean, if someone calls me Non-Hindu…its not a abuse to me. If someone calls you a Non-Muslim…and you are a non-Muslim, he is speaking the truth. You don’t accept  Islam… that you are the that your are rejecting. It’s a word  for non-Muslims. If you feel, someone robs…and if he says… Why you are calling  me a robber, then he should stop robbing.  Then if he says that… He is Kaafir, your are feeling bad, then accept Islam - No one is going to call you Kaafir. So it is a Arabic word, used for people  who are non-Muslims.           Hope that answers
(Q) Islam teaches…peace - Why are there so many violent incidents, associated with muslims. Example, fundamentalist… terrorist. Islam teaches equality of gender - why is that women of Islam, are not allowed to have equal rights of employment, in Afghanistan?
(Ans.) Brother has posed a question, that Islam believes in peace…a Universal Religion - Why…there you find, they are called terrorists, fundamentalists…women aren’t given the equal rights, etc. Brother you can refer to my Video cassette - Womens rights in Islam -Modernising  are Outdated?  This is a lecture for 2 hours…this is a         Question-Answer session for 2 hours - Womens rights in Islam -Modernising or Outdated? And I have proved there…in Islam, men and women are overall equal. First, because a particular group of people don’t give their rights to the women…that does not mean, Islam is wrong. Therefore  I say  that, womens rights in Islam, should not  judged on what individual muslims  do,  or what the muslims society does - the womens rights, should be  judged through the authentic sources. That is...Islam gives maximum rights - more than, even the western world. It gives 1,400 years ago, what rights - the rights for them to own property, about spiritual rights, about legal rights, about social rights, about educational rights. In detail…you can refer to my Video cassette. Why a particular individual community does?…You go and ask them -Islam does not preach that. Regarding fundamentalists…that Muslim, is a peace loving people…why are they fundamentalists? I tell that…I am proud to be a fundamentalist -Dr Zakir Naik is proud to be a fundamentalist. A person who follows the fundamentals, is called a fundamentalist. So if you want to be a good Mathematician, you should know, you should follow, the fundamentals of, and practice of, Mathematics. If you don’t, the fundamentals of mathematics unless  your are a fundamentalist mathematician, you can not be a good doctor. Similarly, I am proud to be a fundamentalist  Muslim .I know, I follow, and I practice, the fundamentals of Islam. But I  do know, in the modern context, fundamentalist means terrorist…terrorist. It does not mean…what it actually means. For a Hindu, to be a good Hindu, he should know, follow, and practice, the fundamentals of Hinduism. You should be a fundamentalist Hindu, to be good Hindu. For a Christian, to be a good Christian, you should  know,  follow, and  practice, the fundamentals of Christianity. Unless he is a fundamentalist Christian, he cannot be a good Christian. But now I know, that each and every fundamental of Islam, they are good, they are not against humanity. If the fundamentals of a particular Religion is against humanity, then you can say…It is fundamentalist…But that fundamentalist is a bad human being. There is not a single fundamental of Islam, which goes against humanity. The reason, you may think, that it is against humanity, is lack of knowledge. Either you may not be knowing the Islamic law correctly, or you may not be knowing the statistics of the world correctly. Regarding terrorist…A person, like the freedom fighters of India -you know what we call them…freedom fighters'Desh Bhakt'.
The British government called them…terrorists -Same man…same work he is doing. The Indians feel, that the Britishers had no right to rule India, therefore these people are called as, freedom fighters. The British government think, that they had the right over India -they think that they are terrorists. Same man same activity two different labels. So, depending on upon which view you agree -if you agree with the British view, you will call them terrorists. If you agree with the Indian view, you will call them 'Desh Bhakt'. So, a person can be given different labels, by different criteria of judgement. If you judge a person correctly, no true Muslim can ever be a terrorist. True, there are black sheep in every community, there are black sheep in every community. That does not mean -Hitler…he inncinurated six million Jews, so can you say…Christianity is bad? He was a Christian! Just because Hitler killed six million Jews, Mussolini killed thousands of people, you cannot say…Christianity is bad. Similarly, there are black sheep in every community, but the label depends, upon which view you agree with. Hope that answers your question.
(Q). Why are woman in Islam, are not allowed to have equal rights in Afghanistan?
(Ans) Why are'nt woman in Afghanistan, have equal right for employment. The thing is that, in Islam a woman is allowed to do any work, as long as it does not go away, out of the shariah, or views. For example, a woman cannot work in alcoholic bar…even a man cannot work. A woman cannot work in a gambling den…where, even a man cannot work. A woman cannot do jobs which exploit her body, like modeling, film acting -it exploits her body. We want our woman folk to be respected. Thousands of men looking at the woman, and whistling and all. We believe in a modest way of life, therefore such jobs which exhibit the body. The Western culture…talking about Womens' liberalisation -It is actually a disguised form, of the exploitation of the body of the woman, of deprivation of her honour, and degradation of her soul. The Western society, claiming to uplift the woman, have actually degraded her, to the status of a concubine, to mistresses, and society butterflies…which are hidden behind the colourful screen of art and culture... art and culture. Islam does'nt agree with such jobs. Otherwise the other jobs… if it’s a modest job, if she has the hijab, and segregation of  sexes, she can very well do it. Afghanistan…Afghanistan… See, what reports do we in papers, we don’t know whether it is right or wrong. The Qur'an says in Sura Hujurat, V. 6, 'Whenever you get any news, verify it '. I read in the Indian papers, that these Afghanistan…these Mujahideens, they killed the women -They say…You should not go to work. And they have stopped the doctors from going to work…all the lady doctors, and they have stopped their pay, and etc. I read  in the Time Magazine. The Time Magazine says that… The Mujahideens have stopped the women from doing immodest jobs…even after they have stopped. But have not stopped the lady doctors…they have not stopped  lady teachers. And those people whom they have stopped…they are providing them with salaries, at their doorsteps…at their doorsteps. If any one says that - 'Ahlan Was ahlan'…I would love it. Don't work…Salary at door step -Why?… to prevent them from doing immodest things. See if you are doing a immodest job, we will tell you it is wrong -It  is attracting violence. Don't do modeling, don't do dancing, don't do film acting…but whatever salary you are getting, we will provide you at your door step. So the views that we get in the paper is variant… different. I cannot say sitting from here…which is right. Whether Times of India is  right, or Time Magazine is right, I don’t know. So the Qur'an says… Ask the person who knows.
So there are experts in these fields…you know -but what reports I get, I have given it to you. That this is just the media… in the hands of the Westerners. They control the Media and they maligning unnecessarily, Islam. Hope that answers your question.
(Q) Qur'an says…Allah is most Merciful - its also prescribed later on that the find of very severe punishment -So is He revengeful God…is he a revengeful God, or is He a Merciful God ?
(Ans) Brother as iled a good question…I have understood the question.I am in the field I have understood the question. The brother has asked a question, that the Qur'an says -Allah (SWT) is Rahman-o-Rahim…most Merciful, most Gracious -then why does He give punishment…you know, revengeful or horrifying God, etc. And you have punishments, as I said… Capital punishment for rape, in this world. Some punishment would be… put in the hell fire, etc. The thing that you should realise brother, that Allah (SWT), is a Merciful God at the same time, He is a Just God…both, Just and Merciful -the Qur'an gives 99 different attributes. For e.g. if someone commits rape, Qur'an …you cannot say that God is so merciful, God let the rapists go free. That is not a Merciful God…that is an unjust God. What about the person…the lady which was raped… you let him so free. Science tells us    today, that a person who commits rape…one again when he goes in the society, 95% times he will commit a rape again. People say that…First give him 5 years imprisonment, and second time…death penalty. Statistics today tell of America that… 95% when a person commits rape, when he goes in the society, he again commits rape. So Allah (SWT) is Merciful and Just, at the same time. Allah is Just, to the lady who was raped. Allah is even Merciful to that man -he will commit a rape again -It is bad for him…committing rape. Similarly if you rob, the Qur'an says…Chopping of the hands -You call it a very ruthless law… Oh…Islam is very ruthless -Chopping of hands. First Islam says…The system of Zakah. As I said, every rich person should give 2.5 % of excess wealth, to poor people. After that, if some one robs, then…chopping off the hands. Surah Maidah, Ch.5, V. 38, says that…As per the thief, be it a man or a woman, chop off his  or her hands, as a punishment from Allah (SWT).People will think that, every second person you will come across in Saudi Arabia, will have his or her hands dropped  off. I have been to Saudi Arabia…I did not come across a single person, with this hands chopped off. There will be few people -but I have not  come across them -It is not as common as it seems. If you implement the Shariah in America today, that every person…rich person should give Zakat and charity, and after that, if any one robs chop of the hand -Will the rate of crime in America…will it increase?…will it remain the same?…or will it decrease? - It will decrease. So Allah (SWT), is Merciful at the same time… Just - And He is very careful, in taking of accounts. All three…all three can only come together, if a person  seeks for the justice of the whole of humanity. Overall… to the humanity, He is merciful or not…to stop rape? It is merciful, or not?…It is merciful. So if you say…No let the people enjoy -today you'll 1,000 rapes…tommorow 10,000 daily, and it will keep on increasing. So, this law of Allah (SWT), is Merciful to the whole of humankind - not only for a particular group of people -or only permission for Saudi Arabia or for Americans -It is Merciful, for the whole of humanity. That is why, these punishments have been kept -so that even they improve, and benefit to the whole of human kind. Hope that answers your question.
The brother has posed a question, that the women have a lot of responsibility, to keep up to themselves. I do agree…details are mentioned in my video cassette -it calls for a talk. But yet, the rights are equal -Qur'an does not put them at a lower level. Qur'an… Qur'an clearly says in Surah Al Baqarah, in Ch.2, Verse 238, that… The woman has rights equal to them, as those against them, on terms equitable.' They have equal rights. What are the rights?…You can refer to my Video cassette, brother. There are rights, but they are equal -It is not that more burden is put on woman, so men can relax. In some places, woman have got more burden , men has got less burden . In some places, men have got more burden, woman has got less burden. Like, looking after the family, the burden is put on the shoulder of a man. It is the duty of the man to earn the living, lodging, boarding, clothing, and all financial aspects of a woman. Before she is married, it is the duty of her father and her brother. After she is married, it is the duty of the husband and the son, to look after her boarding, clothing, and lodging, and everything. Some aspect…if you see in my video  cassette, I have analysed there -that in some cases, the women have a higher responsibility -In some cases, men have a higher responsibility. Overall both are equal. Hope that satisfies you.

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