The attributes of the universe which have hitherto been
discovered by science point to the existence of God. Science leads us to
the conclusion that the universe has a Creator and this Creator is perfect in
might, wisdom and knowledge. It is religion that shows us the way in
knowing God. It is therefore possible to say that science is a method we
use to better see and investigate the realities addressed by religion.
Nevertheless, today, some of the scientists who step forth in the name of
science take an entirely different stand. In their view, scientific
discoveries do not imply the creation of God. They have, on the contrary,
projected an atheistic understanding of science by saying that it is not
possible to reach God through scientific data: they claim that science and
religion are two clashing notions.
As a matter of fact, this atheistic understanding of science
is quite recent. Until a few centuries ago, science and religion were
never thought to clash with each other, and science was accepted as a method of
proving the existence of God. The so-called atheistic understanding of
science flourished only after the materialist and positivist philosophies swept
through the world of science in the 18th and 19th centuries.
Particularly after Charles Darwin postulated the theory of
evolution in 1859, circles holding a materialistic world view started to
ideologically defend this theory, which they looked upon as an alternative to
religion. The theory of evolution argued that the universe was not
created by a creator but came into being by chance. As a result, it was
asserted that religion was in conflict with science. The British
researchers Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln said on this
For Isaac Newton, a century and a half before Darwin , science was not
separate from religion but, on the contrary, an aspect of religion, and
ultimately subservient to it. ... But the science of Darwin ’s time became precisely that,
divorcing itself from the context in which it had previously existed and
establishing itself as a rival absolute, an alternative repository of
meaning. As a result, religion and science were no longer working in
concert, but rather stood opposed to each other, and humanity was increasingly
forced to choose between them. (Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh, Henry Lincoln,
“The Messianic Legacy”, Gorgi Books, London: 1991, p. 177-178.)
As we stated before, the so-called split between science and
religion was totally ideological. Some scientists, who earnestly believed
in materialism, conditioned themselves to prove that the universe had no
creator and they devised various theories in this context. The theory of
evolution was the most famous and the most important of them. In the
field of astronomy as well certain theories were developed such as the
“steady-state theory” or the “chaos theory”. However, all of these
theories that denied creation were demolished by science itself, as we have
clearly shown in other articles.
Today, scientists who still keep to these theories and
insist on denying all things religious, are dogmatic and bigoted people, who
have conditioned themselves not to believe in God. The famous English
zoologist and evolutionist D.M.S. Watson confesses to this dogmatism as he
explains why he and his colleagues accept the theory of evolution: “If so, it
will present a parallel to the theory of evolution itself, a theory universally
accepted, not because it can be proved by logically coherent evidence to be
true, but because the only alternative, special creation, is clearly
incredible.” (D.M.S. Watson, “Adaptation”, Nature, no. 124, p. 233)
What Watson means by “special creation” is God’s
creation. As acknowledged, this scientist finds this “unacceptable”.
But why does he? Is it because science says so? Actually it does
not. On the contrary, science proves the truth of creation. The
only reason why Watson looks upon this fact as unacceptable is because he has
conditioned himself to deny the existence of God. All other evolutionists
take the same stand.
Evolutionists rely not on science but on materialist
philosophy and they distort science to make it agree with this
philosophy. A geneticist, and an outspoken evolutionist from Harvard University , Richard Lewontin, confesses
to this truth:
It is not that the methods and institutions of science
somehow compel us to accept a material explanation of the phenomenal world,
but, on the contrary, that we are forced by our a priori adherence to material
causes to create an apparatus of investigation and a set of concepts that
produce material explanations, no matter how counter-intuitive, no matter how
mystifying to the uninitiated. Moreover, that materialism is absolute, so
we cannot allow a Divine Foot in the door. (Richard Levontin, The Demon-Haunted
World, The New York Review of Books, January, 9, 1997, p. 28)
On the other hand, today, just as in history, there are, as
opposed to this dogmatic materialist group, scientists who confirm God’s
existence, and regard science as a way of knowing Him. Some trends developing
in the USA
such as “Creationism” or “Intelligent Design” prove by scientific evidence that
all living things were created by God.
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