The following are states and positions of the Imam and his
followers in congregational prayer:
The first state: Preceding the Imam
This means that the follower precedes the Imam in performing
Takbeer (i.e., saying, ‘Allaahu Akbar’) Rukoo‘(bowing), prostration or ending
the prayer and this is impermissible as the Prophet,
, warned us against it,
saying: “Is not the one who raises his head before the Imam afraid that
Allah may transform his head into that of a donkey or his figure (face) into
that of a donkey?”[Al-Jamaa‘ah]

The Imam is the leader, so it is impermissible to precede
him. The Prophet,
, said: “The Imam
should perform Rukoo‘ before you and get up before you.” [Muslim] The
, also said: “Do
not precede me in Rukoo‘, prostration, getting up, sitting or
leaving.” [Muslim and Ahmad]

It is agreed upon that preceding the Imam intentionally
invalidates the prayer. Imam Ahmad
Ibn Mas‘ood
saying to the one who preceded his Imam, “You neither prayed alone nor
followed your Imam.” Ibn ‘Umar
that Ibn Mas‘ood
to this man, “You have not prayed alone or with your Imam. ”Then, he struck him
and ordered him to repeat his prayer.

If preceding the Imam was done unintentionally and in
performing a Rukoo ‘or prostration before the Imam, the follower should return
and perform Rukoo ‘after his Imam performs it. If the follower did this
intentionally, his prayer would be invalid, but if he forgot to do this or was
ignorant regarding this, he would be excused according to the opinion of the
majority of scholars who stated that the prayer would be correct as he is
excused for his ignorance and forgetfulness, and they obliged him to follow his
Imam. However, Imam Ahmad
that his prayer is invalid even if this was done out of forgetfulness because
of the general indication of the Hadith.

The second state: coincidence
This means that the movement of the Imam and the follower
takes place at the same time when they are performing Rukoo‘, prostrating
themselves and so forth. This is incorrect as the Imam should be followed. The
, said: “The Imam
is to be followed, so when he performs Takbeer, you should perform Takbeer and
when he performs Rukoo‘, you should perform Rukoo’ - and do not perform Rukoo‘
before he does…” [Ahmad and Abu Dawood]

If the follower performed Takbeerah Al-Ihram (the
opening, ‘Allaahu Akbar’) at the same time as the Imam or before the Imam
finishes his Takbeer, his prayer would be invalid regardless of whether this
was done intentionally of out of forgetfulness. If the follower did this in any
other Takbeer, his prayer would be correct, but with an unfavorable act and an
improper following of the Imam. Muslims should avoid any thing that makes their
prayer incomplete or invalidates it.
The third state: following
This is what the follower in prayer should do as it achieves
the required following in prayer. This is achieved when the follower does all
the movements immediately after the movement of the Imam as the Prophet,
, ordered us to do this
by saying: “When the Imam performs Takbeer, perform Takbeer; when the Imam
performs Rukoo‘, perform Rukoo‘; when the Imam raises his head and says: ‘Sami ‘a
Allaahu va liman Hamidah’ (Allah hears he who praises him), raise your head and
say: ‘Rabbana wa laka Al-Hamd’ (O Allah, praise be to you). When the Imam
prostrates himself, prostrate yourselves.” [Muslim] This Hadith means
that the followers should wait for the Imam until he performs the Takbeer and
finishes it, then perform the Takbeer after him. The Imam should not
prolong his Takbeer as the one who is praying after him may hasten
and perform the Takbeer before him, thus invalidating his

Thus, the follower should keep standing until his Imam
performs Rukoo ‘and finishes the Takbeer of Rukoo‘, then he
should perform Rukoo ‘and keep in his Rukoo ‘until his Imam gets up
and says, “Sami ‘a Allaahu va liman Hamidah,” then he should get up
and keep standing until the Imam says the Takbeer and puts his face
on the ground, then prostrate himself after his Imam does. This applies to all
the acts of prayer. Al-Baraa’ ibn ‘Aazib
said, “When
the Prophet
would bend to
perform prostration, none of us would bend his back until the Prophet
would place his
forehead on the ground.”[Muslim] This is the true following with which the
prayer is perfected.

The fourth state: lagging
This means that the follower lags behind his Imam. Scholars
considered this state just like preceding the Imam as it also entails
negligence in the required immediate following of the Imam. If the follower
lags behind intentionally until the Imam performs Rukoo ‘and gets up, his
prayer would be invalid, but if there is a reason such as drowsiness,
forgetfulness or because of the quickness of the Imam, then he should
perform Rukoo ‘after the Imam and his prayer will be valid. If the person
lags behind on purpose until the Imam performs Rukoo‘, gets up and
prostrates himself, then his prayer would be invalid. If this is done out of
forgetfulness or ignorance, he should repeat this Rak’ahs during
which he did not follow his Imam.
The follower should be alert and should concentrate on what
he says and does so that he would achieve following his Imam - something which
is required for the perfection of the prayer.