Any publicity is good publicity. These words have been
written and uttered so many times it is impossible to attribute the quote to
any one person. Any publicity is good publicity; meaning that it is
better that something receives bad publicity rather than no publicity at
all. In the past decade we have been swamped with bad publicity about
Islam, yet conversion statistics indicate that the number of people converting
to Islam is growing at a phenomenal rate. Why is this so? Because
wise people do not believe everything they read and see, they question, they
apply critical thinking skills, they acquire knowledge and form their own
Finding the correct information does not come easily.
You need to search, to look for your proofs and evidences. Do you want to
know about Islam? Which one of the thousands of books will you turn to first?
Everything you ever wanted to know about is out there is cyber space waiting
for the click of a mouse or the touch of a screen. Type Islam into Google
search and what do you come up with? 479 million results in just .21 of a
second. Pretty impressive, but where do you start? Now here is a novel
answer, how about at the beginning, back where it all began. Let us begin
when God spoke to the angels.
“‘Verily, I am going to place mankind generations after
generations on earth.’ They said: ‘Will You place therein those who will
make mischief therein and shed blood, while we glorify You with praises and
thanks and sanctify You.’ God said: ‘I know that which you do not know.’”
(Quran 2:30)
God knows what we do not know and contrary to what many
would have us believe His words are not hidden and they are not obscure.
Do you want to know about Islam, do you want to prove to yourself that Islam is
the true religion bestowed upon mankind? There is an easy methodology that will
help you sort through the hundreds of thousands of different bits of
information available. It begins with the Quran.
The second verse of the second chapter of Quran begins with
the words, “This is the book whereof there is no doubt, guidance to those
who are righteous...” God knows that every human being is searching for
that elusive connection and He says to humankind - this is the book, this is
the guidance you have been searching for. Is this enough? Yes it could
be. Throughout the centuries people have converted to Islam merely from
hearing the recitation of Quran, still others have embraced Islam after hearing
the soulful call to prayer. Some people convert to Islam after observing
a way of life that combines, tolerance and respect with forgiveness and mercy
and then there are those who need proof.
However, asking for proof is not to the seeker’s
detriment. Our religion, the way of life that is Islam, is not based on
guess work, it is based on the words of God and the authentic teachings of His
messenger Prophet Muhammad. Islam is the religion of informed knowledge,
not blind faith. When Pharaoh asked Prophet Moses who was the Lord of
humankind and all that exists, he, Moses, answered,“The Lord of the heavens and
the earth, and all that is between them, if you seek to be convinced with
certainty”. (Quran 26: 24 & 25) Seek to be convinced. Hold a
copy of Quran in your hands and read, contemplate and ponder. Seek your
evidence and prepare to be amazed.
The Quran tells us about the power of God and how it
operates in the universe. It explains that God’s knowledge encompasses
all things and that He is not only the Creator but also the Sustainer of the
Evidence of the truth of Islam can be found in the scientific
evidence that is found throughout the Quran. Some people like to call
them miracles - scientific miracles in the Quran. There is complete
consistency between many of the discoveries of modern science and the words of
God written down more than 1400 years ago. Amazing scientific facts that
could not have been known until recently tend to prove that the Quran is the
word of God and thus that Islam is the true religion of all human beings.
Logic tells us that 21st century knowledge in the 6th century could
not be a coincidence.
Quran speaks eloquently about human embryonic development,
and the fact that mountains have deep roots under the surface of the
ground. It describes one of the undisputed facts of cosmology, that the
universe was formed out of the remnants of smoke. Quran even describes
the prefrontal area of the cerebrum as the place where lies and sins
originate. Modern science tells us that this is the area responsible for
planning, and initiating and the area responsible for choosing either good or
sinful behaviour.
Prophet Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon
him, was unable to read or write yet scientific facts are also found in his
authentic sayings and traditions. While teaching and counselling his
followers, Prophet Muhammad mentioned scientific facts including the seven
layers of the earth’s crust. In depth articles backed up by evidence from
scientists and doctors can be found on this web site and many others.
In part 2 we will continue to examine the Quran and learn
more about its miraculous nature; we will look at more evidence for the
existence of God and discuss how logical proofs can only lead to one conclusion.
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