If matter, time and space all had a beginning, the question
that naturally comes to mind is: How did they come to be? The Quran tells
us that if a person does not believe in God, then he cannot explain the coming
into being of anything except by one of three untenable explanations:
a. either he says that it was
created by nothing, i.e. that it just appeared out of nothing?
b. Or that it created itself,
c. Or that it was created by
something that is itself created.
Addressing the atheists the Quran says:
“Were they created by nothing? Or were they themselves
the creators (of themselves)? Or did they create heaven and earth?
Nay, but they are not sure.” (Quran 52:35-36)
The Quran is not saying that the Arabs whom it addressed
actually believed that things were created by nothing, or that they created
themselves. They certainly did not claim that they were the creators of
the heavens and earth; no sane person would. The Quran then, is only
making clear to the atheists the absurdity of their position.
After a careful study of some of the arguments of many
Western atheistic philosophers and scientists, I have found that they do indeed
fall into these three untenable categories. Why untenable?
Was it created out of nothing?
Suppose that you told someone that there was nothing,
nothing at all in a certain region, and then lo! a duck appeared alive and
kicking. Why wouldn’t he believe you however much you assure him that
that was indeed the case? Not only because he knows that ducks don’t come
into being in that way, as some might suppose, but because believing this
violates an essential principle of his rationality. Thus his attitude
would be the same even if the thing that he was told to have come from nothing
was something that he never heard of before. It is because we believe
that nothing comes out of nothing, that we keep looking for causes by which we
explain the occurrence of events in the natural, social or psychological world.
It is because of this rational principle that science was possible.
Without it, not only our science, but our very rationality will be in
jeopardy. Moreover, the idea of causation is essential even to the very
identity of things, as it was observed by the Muslim philosopher Ibn Rushd
It is self-evident that things have identities, and they
have qualities in virtue of which every existent has its actions, and in virtue
of which things have different identities, names and definitions. If it
were not the case that every individual thing had an action peculiar to, it
would not have had a nature that is peculiar to it; and if it did not have a
special nature, it would not have had a special name or definition. (Tahafut
Attahafut, 782-3)
Did it create itself?
The absurdity of the idea of something creating itself is
even clearer. For something to create, it must be already existing; but
for it to be created, it must be nonexistent. The idea of something
creating itself is thus self-contradictory.
Was it created by something that is itself created?
Can the cause of a temporal thing be itself temporal?
Yes, if we are talking about immediate, incomplete causes like eating and
nourishment, water and germination, fire and burning, etc. But these
causes are incomplete causes. First, because none of them is by itself
sufficient to produce the effect we attribute to it; every such temporal cause
depends for its efficacy on a host of other positive and negative
conditions. Second, because being temporal, they need to be caused, and
cannot therefore be the ultimate causes of the coming into being of
anything. Suppose the following to be a series of temporal effects and
causes: C1, C2, C3, C4… Cn, such that C1 is caused by C2, C2 by C3, and so
on. Such temporal causes are real causes, and useful ones, especially for
practical purposes and for incomplete explanations; but if we are looking for
the ultimate cause of the coming into being of, say, C1, then C2 is certainly
not that cause, since it is itself caused by C3. The same can be said
about C3, and so on. So even if we have an infinite series of such
temporal causes, still that will not give us an ultimate explanation of the
coming into being of C1. Let us put this in other words: when does C1
come into being? Only after C2 has come into being. When does C2
come into being? Only after C3 has come into being, and so on until
Cn. Therefore C1 will not come into being until Cn has come into
being. The same problem will persist even if we go further than Cn, even
if we go to infinity. This means that if C1 depended for its coming into
being on such temporal causes, it would never have come to exist. There
would be no series of actual causes, but only a series of non-existents, as Ibn
Taymiyyah[1] explained.
The fact, however, is that there are existents around us; therefore, their
ultimate cause must be something other than temporal causes; it must be an
eternal, and therefore, uncaused cause.
When someone, whether scientist or nonscientist, insists on
his erroneous beliefs in the face of all the evidence, there can be no way for
him to support those beliefs except by resorting to dubious arguments, because
no falsehood can be supported by a valid argument. This has been the case
with all atheistic scientists and philosophers who believe in the Big Bang
Some claimed unabashedly that the original matter of the
universe came out of nothing. Thus Fred Hoyle, who advocated the steady
state theory, which was for sometime considered to be a credible rival to the
big bang theory, but which, like its rival, necessitates the coming into being
of new matter-- used to say[2]:
The most obvious question to ask about continuous creation
is this: Where does the created material come from? It does not come from
anywhere. Material simply appears - it is created. At one time the
various atoms composing the material do not exist, and at a later time they
do. This may seem a very strange idea and I agree that it is, but in science
it does not matter how strange an idea may seem so long as it works – that is
to say, since the idea can be expressed in a precise form and so long as its
consequences are in agreement with observation. (Hoyle, 112)
When Hoyle said this, there was an uproar against him.
He was accused of violating a main principle of science, namely that nothing
comes out of nothing, and was thus ‘opening the flood gates of religion’ as one
philosopher of science put it. Thus Mario Bunge said about it:
[T]his theory involves the hypothesis of the continuous
creation of matter ex nihilo. And this is not precisely what is usually
meant by respecting scientific determinism even in its widest sense, for the
concept of emergence out of nothing is characteristically theological or
magical even if clothed in mathematical form. (Bunge)
That the hypothesis of creation ex nihilo is not a
scientific one, is true, but the claim that it is characteristically
theological is wide off the mark. Theistic religions do not say that things
come out of absolute nothing because that contradicts the basic religious claim
that they are created by God. All that many religious people say is that
God creates things out of nothing, and there is the whole difference in the
world between the two notions.
If creation out of nothing was earlier considered by
atheists to be an unscientific and theological principle, it is now claimed by
some to have a scientific status and is used to discredit religion.
For the first time a unified description of all creation
could be within our grasp. No scientific problem is more fundamental or
more daunting than the puzzle of how the universe came into being. Could
this have happened without any supernatural input? Quantum mechanics
seems to provide a loophole in the age-old assumption that ‘you can’t get
something for nothing’. Physicists are now talking about ‘the self
creating universe’: a cosmos that erupts into existence spontaneously, much as
a sub nuclear particle pops out of nowhere in certain high energy
processes. The question of whether the details of this theory are right
or wrong is not important. What matters is that it is now possible to
conceive of a scientific explanation of all creation. (Jastrow, viii)
What kind of explanation is this? Do you really even
start to explain anything by saying that it pops out of nowhere? Do
scientists really believe that the sub nuclear particle referred to pops out of
nowhere, in the sense that it really comes out of nothing, and has no relation
whatsoever to anything that precedes it? Commenting on what Davies
claimed, one scientist had this to say: “This, in any case, is an event that
occurs in space and time, within a domain bathed in matter and radiation.
‘Nothing’ is nowhere to be seen in this situation.“[3]
This same fallacious idea is repeated in a later book by
another atheistic scientist, Taylor:
As such, there is a non-zero probability of, say, a particle
such as an electron appearing out of the vacuum. In fact a vacuum is full
of possibilities, one of which is the appearance of the Universe itself.
It had been created from nothing, as it were. (Taylor , 22)
What kind of vacuum is Taylor
talking about? If he is using the word in its technical scientific sense,
then he can indeed speak of its being full of possibilities, or of an electron
appearing out of it, because this vacuum is in fact a non-empty region.
This surely, however, is not the nothingness that is referred to by the big
bang theory. There is therefore not even an analogy between the appearance
of a particle in a vacuum and the appearance of a Universe out of absolute
[1] Taqi al-Din Ahmad Ibn Taymiyyah
(1263 - 1328), an Islamic scholar born in Harran, now modern day Syria .
[2] Later on he changed his mind, not
only about this, but about the whole theory.
[3] This is what my friend,
Professor Mahjoob Obeid, the famous Sudanese physicist wrote to me
in a personal communication.