'Abdullah would rise before Fajr (dawn) each morning and
rush to the Mosque to offer the prayer. He would return to the Mosque for Maghreb (sunset) and 'Ishaa' (evening) prayers as well.
He read the Quran daily. He studied other Islamic books in his spare time. He
spent much of his free time with his family and took his role as the spiritual
leader in his home quite seriously.
Five years later, he found that he would go days, sometimes
a whole week without performing a single prayer. He no longer attends
congregational prayer at the Mosque—he didn't have time with his new job. This
new job involved his working closely in nightclub establishments with people of
questionable backgrounds. This resulted in his becoming very secretive about
many of his work activities; he didn't even talk to his wife about them because
he knew she would disapprove. Work kept him busy all night and throughout the
entire weekend. Many of his new friends also worked with him and he began to
spend a great deal of his free time with them. Because of this, he spent less
time with his family. He had to sleep during the day in order to be able to
work each night.
His wife noticed a great change in his demeanor. They had
several discussions about his work and how it was affecting him and his
relationship with Allah Almighty. He agreed, and would begin the process of
searching for new work, but inevitably, chose to stay in his current job. He
soon found himself feeling very distanced from his wife and children. Even
though the money was abundant when he first began, it was now barely paying the
He felt his marriage crumbling beneath the years of neglect.
He found himself succumbing to depression over his circumstances, unmotivated
to initiate the things he knew he would have to do in order for his life to
It is interesting to note that 'Abdullah’s life seemed much
more peaceful and balanced when he engaged in his regular religious duties, and
began to suffer significantly when he abandoned them.
Could this simply be a coincidence? Imam Mohammad Baianouni
of the Islamic Center in Raleigh ,
North Carolina accurately sums up
situations like this stating: "The regulation of a man's conduct within
one system of life is one of the most important reasons of success and
stability. The absence of this regulation is one of the greatest crises a man
suffers from in his life. This happens when man is left without guidance from
Allah, The Most High, or without proper upbringing based on the Divine
Guidance. Under these circumstances, man's life becomes miserable on this earth
and he will be amongst the losers in the Hereafter".
A religion of discipline
It is only from the infinite wisdom and mercy of Allah that
we have been given a system of belief that instructs and assists in guiding our
actions and behavior. By participating in the daily obligations of our faith
outlined in the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad
we are more
likely to enjoy Allah’s bounty in this life, and reap the rewards in the
Hereafter. Allah Almighty ordered all believers to be disciplined in their
worship, and not to disobey Him. In the Quran, Allah Says (what
means) "So remain on a right course as you have been commanded, [you]
and those who have turned back with you [to Allah], and do not transgress.
Indeed, He is Seeing of what you do." [Quran 11: 112]

The intensity of our faith changes throughout our lives.
There are times when we are of strong faith, and times when we struggle. Many
brothers and sisters who proudly claim Islam as their religion unintentionally
find themselves "slipping" in their religious duties. Seemingly
overnight their lives go from pleasurable and carefree to darkness and
confusion. You may begin to acknowledge that you have landed in such a state
because of the choices you made, but you are lost as to how to go about
changing things.
Being steadfast in our duties to Allah Almighty is what
keeps you from languishing during your darker moments. Remember that your
ultimate return is to Him Almighty, so you must develop discipline and a
consistency in your daily routine to keep your faith from sinking.
Developing discipline
Recognizing your shortcomings is the first step towards
becoming more disciplined. Allah Almighty Says (what
means): "…Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people
until they change what is in themselves..." [Quran 13: 11] When you
decide to change for the sake of Allah Almighty, Allah will help you change.
Each one is responsible for oneself and will be questioned accordingly on the
Day of Judgment, with no one to intercede on your behalf. You must make the
choice to live your life according to Allah’s Will on your own. You will not benefit
from being told about what you need to do and how you need to change in order
to have a more fulfilling life. You must take an interest in making those
changes for yourself. Only then can you reap the rewards. Think about the wives
of the Prophets Noah and Loot, may Allah exalt their mention. Each
tried unsuccessfully to offer the best
guidance to his wife, but because there was no real interest on their part, it
was said to each of women (what means): "…Enter the Fire with those
who enter!"[Quran 66: 10]

I have a good friend who was going through a very rough
time. Her faith was at an all time low. During several of our conversations,
she lamented that Allah Almighty was punishing her for not being a "good
Muslim." I asked her: "Why must Allah be punishing you? Allah puts us
through many tests and trials in this life to give us the chance to know Him
better." We debated back and forth about this for some time. She was
really stuck in the debts of despair, and found my comments annoyingly
optimistic. I reminded her that Allah Almighty is also Merciful and that this
trial for her could be the wake up call she needed to have an opportunity to
renew and redeem her faith and become closer to Him Almighty. Perhaps Allah had
to put her through such difficulty to get her attention and give her a chance
to make changes.
There are many things you can do to establish discipline in
your daily life. Such consistency not only balances our faith, but all other
aspects of our lives as well:
Evaluate yourself regularly to make certain you are doing
all that you can spiritually.
Perform your daily prayers punctually each day.
Read the Quran regularly, with an effort to truly understand
what you are reading.
Seek knowledge regularly, religious and other, through
books, CDs/tapes, classes and lectures.
Keep company with righteous people
Have confidence in your faith and, more importantly, in
Allah Almighty.
Regularly spend some time alone in contemplation and
Islam is a complete way of life. As believers, we should
desire the discipline that allows us to regulate our lives and keep chaos away.
In choosing this way of life, peace and contentment are your right. Discipline
comes as a result of performing certain duties consistently. Ask Allah to help
you to establish discipline in your religious commitment and to be able to
submit to all that pleases Him Almighty.
By Kimberly Ben
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