Combining two prayers
It is allowed for a person to combine the Thuhr (noon) and
'Asr (afternoon) prayers, or the Maghreb
(sunset) and 'Ishaa' (night) prayers, during the time of either prayer, if he
is in one of the following circumstances:
1. Combining two prayers at 'Arafah and Al-Muzdalifah:
When one is performing Hajj, he should combine the Thuhr and
'Asr prayers during the time of the Thuhr prayer at 'Arafah, and the Maghreb and 'Ishaa' prayers during the time of the
'Ishaa' prayer at Muzdalifah, following the example of the Prophet .
2. Combining two prayers while travelling:
It is permissible to combine the Thuhr prayer with the 'Asr
prayer and also the Maghreb prayer with the 'Ishaa' prayer during the time of
either one of them while on a journey; this is regardless of whether the person
is physically travelling or has made a temporary break in his journey.
Mu'aath reported
that while the Prophet was in Tabook,
the sun had passed its meridian and he combined the
Thuhr and 'Asr prayers before starting his journey. If he started his
journey before the sun passed its meridian, he would delay the Thuhr prayer
until the time when he stopped for the 'Asr prayer. He would do likewise for
the Maghreb prayer: If the sun set before he began his journey, he would
combine the Maghreb and 'Ishaa' prayers at
that time, and if he began it before the sun had set, he would combine them at
the time of 'Ishaa'.[Abu Dawood and At-Tirmithi]
Kurayb, reported
that Ibn 'Abbas said:
"Shall I not inform you of the prayer of the Prophet during a
journey?" We replied: 'Indeed!' He said: 'If the sun passed its meridian
while he had stopped, he would combine the Thuhr and 'Asr prayers before
remounting (i.e., moving on). If the sun had not passed its meridian while he
had stopped (i.e., before breaking camp), he would travel until the time of the
'Asr prayer and would combine the Thuhr and 'Asr prayers at that time. If the
sun set while he had stopped, he would combine the Maghreb
and 'Ishaa' prayers. If that did not occur while he had stopped, he would ride
on until 'Ishaa' time and then combine them."[Ahmad]
3. Combining two prayers during rainfall:
Al-Athram recorded
in his Sunna that Abu Salama Ibn 'Abdur- Rahman said:
"It is a Sunnah to combine the Maghreb
and 'Ishaa' prayers when it is raining." Al-Bukhaari recorded
that the Prophet combined the Maghreb and 'Ishaa' prayers on a rainy night.
4. Combining two prayers due to illness and other reasons:
Ahmad, Qaadhi Husain, Al-Khattaabi, and Al-Mutawalli of
the Shaafi'i school are of the opinion that it is allowed to combine two
prayers, either during the time of the earlier or later prayer, due to illness,
as this represents a greater hardship than rain. An-Nawawi, may Allah have
mercy on him, said: "This is a strong opinion based on (sound)
evidence." Ibn Qudaamah from
the Hanbali school said in Al-Mughni it is stated: "The illness which
permits one to combine the prayers is the one which would otherwise cause
hardship and more weakness (if the person who is suffering from it prayed each
prayer separately)."
The Hanbali school is the most accommodating in this regard
as it allows one to combine the Thuhr and 'Asr prayers and the Maghreb and 'Ishaa'
prayers, at the time of the early or later prayer, for one who is ill as well
as for the woman who is breast-feeding and will therefore face hardship in
cleaning her dress for every prayer; for the woman who is plagued by a
prolonged flow of blood; a person who has urinary incontinence; the one who
cannot find the means to purify himself or herself; and one who fears for his
life, property, or family.
5. Combining two prayers due to some pressing need:
Imam An-Nawawi wrote
in his commentary on the book of Imam Muslim :
"The majority of scholars are of the opinion that it is allowed for the
resident to combine prayers due to some pressing need. This is supported by the
statement of Ibn 'Abbas :
'The Prophet combined his prayers
because he did not want to put his Ummah (nation) to hardship, and not because
of illness or any other reason."' Also, Imam Muslim stated:
"The Messenger of Allah combined the
Thuhr and 'Asr and then the Maghreb and
'Ishaa' prayers (all) in Madeenah, without there being any danger or
rain." Ibn 'Abbas was
asked: "What did he desire by that action?" He replied: "He did
not want any hardship for his Ummah." Imams Al-Bukhaari and Muslim recorded
from him that the Prophet prayed seven
Rak'ahs (units of prayer) and eight Rak'ahs, i.e., the Thuhr and 'Asr together
and the Maghreb and 'Ishaa' together, in
Imam Muslim also
recorded from 'Abdullah Ibn Shaqeeq that
'Abdullah Ibn 'Abbas addressed
the people one day after the 'Asr prayer and continued until after the sun had
set and the stars began to appear (i.e., beyond the time of Maghreb). The
people said to him: "The prayer! The prayer!" - and a man from the
tribe of Taym in particular was continuously repeating this. Ibn 'Abbas exclaimed:
"Are you teaching me the Sunnah?" Then he said: "I saw the
Messenger of Allah combining the
Thuhr and 'Asr as well as the Maghreb and
'Ishaa' prayers." 'Abdullah Ibn Shaqeeq commented:
"I felt some uneasiness in my heart about what he had said, so I went to
Abu Hurayrah to
ask him about that, and he confirmed what Ibn 'Abbas had
6. The validity of combined prayers after their legal excuse
ceases to exist:
In Al-Mughni it is stated: "If someone combines
and performs both prayers at the time of the earlier prayer and then his reason
for doing so ceases to exist after he has completed the prayer and before the
time of the next prayer begins (the next prayer being the one that he had just
prayed during the earlier time), then what he has done is sufficient for him
and he needs not repeat the second prayer at its proper time. Since he
performed the prayer in a proper manner, he is free from any extra obligation
due to that action. He fulfilled his obligation during a circumstance in which
he had a legal excuse, and his action is not invalidated by the fact that this
excuse no longer exists. This is similar to the case of a person who performs
Tayammum (dry ablution) and then finds water after he finishes prayer."
7. Prayer on board a ship, train or plane:
Prayer on a ship, train, plane, and so on, is valid and
there is no disliking for such an act as it makes life easier for the one
performing it. Ibn 'Umar said:
"I asked the Prophet about prayer on
ships and he replied: "Pray standing upon them unless you fear that you
will drown (due to the ship capsizing)."" [Ad-Daaraqutni and
'Abdullah Ibn Abi 'Utbah reported:
"I accompanied Jabir Ibn 'Abdullah, Abu Saeed Al-Khudri and Abu
Hurayrah on
a boat, and they prayed standing in a congregation, with one of them as their
Imam, although they could have gone ashore (if they had so desired)."
[Saeed Ibn Mansoor]
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