(Q) If God is One, He has sent lot of messengers to this world. If Islam believes
in the messenger called Moses (pbuh), Christianity also believes that Moses one
of His Prophets, too. Know… Moses the Prophet, wrote the book of Genesis,
Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. In these books of laws, he has
revealed more this humanity. Both Islam and Christianity claim that Moses is
their Prophet. In his revelation, he has got 10 Commandments, in the books of
Exodus Ch. No. 20, V. No. 3 to 17. It is very well written that... ‘The Lord is
the Almighty Creator’. My question is within this frame. Which is verse no. 8,
Exodus, Ch. No. 20, V. No. 8 which says… Remember the sabbath day, to keep it
Holy… which the Lord has created the entire world in six days, and on seventh
day, He tested. If Islam claims… Moses to be the Prophet, and Christianity
claims those, Moses as the Prophet … why so indifference in the Revelation?
Could you please answer?
(Ans) Brother has asked… Pasteur has
asked a very good question - I would love to answer each and every point. He
has spoken a few sentences, in which I
believe there are ten questions for me. But then, Nawab Sahab is saying… Be brief - The co-ordinator is saying… Be
brief. Its difficult I am a student of comparative Religion. I have studied the
Bible, I have studied the Vedas, and the Bhagvadgita, the Qur'an, and I love… I
love taking discussions, to come to know the truth. Jesus Christ (pubh) said…
Seeketh the truth, and the truth shall….. Brother… he quoted…. he said that…
The ten Commandments, are mentioned in Exodus, Ch. No. 20, V. No. 38. He didn’t
quote the first few verses - I’ll quote the first few verses. If you read the
Exodus, Ch. No. 20, V. No. 2, says… Thou shalt have no other God besides Him.
Thou shalt not make any graven things of thee, of the likeness in the heavens
above, in the earth beneath, and the water beneath the earth. Thou shalt not
serve them, nor bow down to them, for thy God, is the jealous God. Who says
that?… the same Exodus which gave the quotation - but you jumped to verse No.
8, directly. The first few verses say that… Thou shalt make no graven image of
thee, of the likeness of thee, in the heavens above, on the earth - for their
God, is a jealous God. You cannot bow down to anyone, nor worship them - same
as Islam…same as Hinduism - no images, no idol worship, worship only, one true
God . Jesus Christ (pbuh) said the same thing, that Moses (pbuh) said, in the
book of Deuteronomy, Ch. No. 6, V. No. 47 in Hebrew)…Hear O Israel, the Lord
our God is one Lord. Coming to the main question… there were many questions in
it - Time doesn’t permit me to answer all. The main question is - Why is the
difference of Sabbath? See… I do agree, that the Jews, they believe that
Saturday was the Sabbath, and Jesus Christ (pbuh) mentioned in the Gospel of
Mathews - you are a Pastor… you must be knowing Gospel of Mathews, Ch. No. 5,
V. No. 17 to 20… I think - Not that I have come to destroy the law and Prophet
but to fulfill. Jesus Christ (pbuh) is
speaking in the Bible in the New Testament, in Gospel of Mathews, Ch. No. 5,
that… Think not that I have come to destroy, the laws and Prophet. I have come
not destroy but to fulfill. So unless the heavens and the earth pass away, not
one got or title shall pass away from the law, until all be fulfilled. So
whosoever shall break one of the least Commandments, and teach men do so, he
will be called least in the Kingdom of Heaven. And whosoever shall teach the
Commandment… teach others to do so, will be called great in the Kingdom of
heaven. Pastor… its from King James Version… it’s a verbatim quotation. That
unless your righteousness, exceeds the righteousness of the Scribes and the
Pharases, in no way you shall enter the Kingdom of Heaven. So Jesus Christ
(pbuh) said that… If a Christian, has to be a good Christian, he should follow
each and every law of the Torah -
Whatever Moses said… they have to follow, verbatim. Even if one jot or a title,
if they break… they will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Who said that? -
Jesus Christ (pbuh) said that. So that’s the question for the Christian - Why
don’t they observe Saturday, as the Holy day?…You have to ask the Christians.
That’s the law Jesus Christ (pbuh) thaught… that I have not come to destroy the
laws and the Prophet, but I have come to fulfill. Now when Prophet Muhammed
(pbuh) came he didn’t say that. The Qur'an says in Surah Baqarah, Ch. No. 2, V.
No. 106, We have sent Revelations, We have given Ayaats, but We substitute
things which are better or similar. The Qur'an believes that Moosa Ale-salam was a Prophet of God Almighty,
the Qur'an believes that Isa, Jesus Christ ( pbuh) was a Prophet of Almighty
God. Islam is the only Non-Christian faith, which makes it an article to
believe in Jesus Christ (pbuh).We believe, that he was one of the mightiest
messengers of Allah (SWT). We believe, that he was born miraculously, without
any male intervention… which many modern day Christians today, do not believe.
We believe, that Jesus Christ (pbuh), he gave life to the dead, with Gods
permission. We believe, that he healed those born blind and lepers, with God’s
permission - We are together. But what we believe, as I said earlier…All the
previous messengers, they only came for a particular group of people. For
example, the Qur'an says in Surah Al-Imran, Ch. No. 3, V. No. 49, that… Isa Ale-Salam, was sent as a messenger to
the Bani Israel… to the children of
Israel. Jesus Christ (pbuh) says in the Gospel of Mathews, Ch. No. 10, V. No. 5
to 6, he tells his twelve disciples… Go ye, not in the way of gentiles. Who
were the Gentiles? - the Non-Jews, the Hindus, the Muslims, the Christians.
Jesus Christ (pbuh) said… Go ye not in to the way of gentiles… enter ye not in
to the city of the Samaritans, but rather go to the lost sheep of Israel. Jesus
Christ (pbuh) says, in the Gospel of Mathews Ch. No. 15, V. No. 24, I have not
been sent, but to the lost sheep of Israel. That means… Jesus Christ (pbuh),
came only for the Jews - not for the other humanity. Who says that? - Jesus
Christ (pbuh) says that - its mentioned in the Bible. But Prophet Mohammad
(pbuh)… (Arabic)... That We have sent thee not, but as a mercy to the whole of
humanity. So whatever revelations Mohammad Sallalah-u-Alayhiwassalam
received, it need not be the same, as of the previous Revelation - the basic
message is the same. The basic message brother… is the same - that believe in
one God…You don’t do idol worship. But the basic is same… laws may change - The
laws… the superficial laws may change. The Jew does it on Saturday… Christian
does it on Sunday. I don’t know why? Jesus Christ (pbuh) said… You can’t break
a single law. Mohammed Sallalu-Alayhiwassalam…
to show that they are different… we one differtent, from the so called Jews and
Christians of that are today. Because what we say, that…Isa Alaysalam, he did not teach
Christianity… he teach nothing but Islam. The word Christian is a nick name, given by the enemies of Christ - Its
mentioned in the Bible, in the Book of Acts.
The Pastor may be knowing - It’s the Book of New testament…It’s the Book of Acts. The enemies of Christians, nick
named the follower of Christ, as Christian.
Its an abuse given to them… which is held on today. But the Holy Qur'an says in
Surah Al-Imran, Ch. No. 3, V. No. 52, that… Jesus Christ was a Muslim. Qur'an
says in Surah Al-Imran, Ch. No. 3, V. No. 67, he was not a Jew or a Christian
but he was a Muslim. So what law Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) brought… the basic
message, is the same… Believing one God, don’t do idol worship, same the
superficiality. So that human race, when it reached a certain level, Allah
(SWT)… God Almighty, thought it fit, that they can receive the final message.
After this no other Messenger will come, no other law will come… and todays
law, is the most practical law. For example, Moses (pbuh) said… An eye for an
eye, an a tooth for a tooth - that’s a very good law… that time. People didn’t
have court… like they have today - like the Judge sitting. Anyone take
somebodys eye… you take his eye. And, an eye
for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth - that was the law. Jesus Christ (pbuh), another spiritual
person, another messenger of Allah (SWT). Its mentioned in the Gospel of
Matthews, Ch. No. 5, V. No. 32 to 40, It is said of the old times, that an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. But I say unto you… whosoever
slaps your one cheek, offer him the other. Whosoever asks you for a shirt, give
him your cloak. If he asks you to walk for one mile, walk two miles . It’s a
remedy… it’s a remedy - that people took it literally. That… if a person
playing with a Kati, if he hurts
somebodys eye… but natural its by mistake. You can’t take that eye of that
person, who by mistake hurt your eye. So
Jesus Christ brought a remedy, which was right at that time. Today… depends
upon the situation. If he hurts you actually, without a cause or reason - you
can take back, you can teach him a lesson. But if its by mistake, you should
have a court of law - what is a right…what is wrong. So the law kept on
changing, depending upon the situation. This Holy Qur'an, is the last and final
Revelation, which will live till eternity, and you can it prove practically,
today. Hope that answers your questions.
(Q). As a doctor of medicine, would you
think it is right to discriminate against Hindus, on the basis of Religion, for
jobs in the Holy land of Saudi Arabia - The advertisements say… Only Muslims
and Christians can apply.
Ans. The doctor has asked a very
good question, that can you discriminate among human beings, on the basis of
Religion, for a job - like the Ads. in the paper say… Only Muslims…only
Christians apply, in Saudi Arabia. I have been to Saudi Arabia - Sister this is
theoretical - several times in fact, I complain the opposite. Most of the top
posts held by ex-patriots in Saudi Arabia, are Non-Muslims, Hindus and
Christians. I complain to them…See you should give equal justice, give us also
a opportunity. Muslims are there…sweepers, etc. - But if you analyze, the top
posts…I have been to Saudi Arabia, the top most - and we had a similar
gathering, in the Tridant Hotel, in Jeddah. It’s a five star hotel, where we
called all the white collared Non-Muslims - And the chief guest that time was,
the General Manager of Air India. And there we saw the top most - there are few
Muslims majority ex-patriots. Ex-patriots
means, those who are not citizens of Saudi Arabia. Majority are Non-Muslims...
I don’t know why? - I have to ask them. So it’s a misconception. Then, for
certain job… for certain job, suppose if you have to offer Salaah in the Mosque, it has to be a Muslim. Non-Muslim cannot read
the prayers - So depending upon the job. But the criteria for taking any person
should be, the criteria of the job. If you require an accountant… but natural,
the accountant should be good. The discrimination is not there in Saudi Arabia
- It’s a misconception. Even the top agents, who sent people to Saudi Arabia -
they are Hindus. In Bombay, top people, the major… major travel agents - they
are Non-Muslims. So it is a misconception, sister… It’s a misconception. If
your job is good… if you are a good doctor, whether Muslim or Non-Muslim - If
my mother is sick, and if I know there is a Hindu doctor, who is a heart
specialist… Who will I go to? I’ll go to the Non-Muslim. Because the Qur'an
says… If you don’t know, ask the person who knows. Qur'an says in Surah Nahl,
Ch. No. 16, V. No. 43, and Surah Furkan, Ch. 25, V. No. 59, If you are in
doubt, ask the person who knows - Go to an expert. Qur'an does not say… Go to a
Muslim. Qur'an says… Go to an expert. If the expert is a Muslim, InshaAllah we’ll go to a Muslim - If he
is a Non-Muslim, I’ll go to a Non-Muslim. He should be an expert in the field,
in which I require help. Hope that answers your question.
(Q). Do you have sainthood in Islam? Is
Allah perceptable to our senses, by ways of meditation, prayers and penance?
What is Islams response to free economic market?
(Ans) Brother has asked a question that -
what about free market economy? I have given a talk brother… Interest free
economy promulgated in the Holy Qur'an. The cassette is available there - You
can take the cassette. It shows you how to deal with Economics… Islamic
Economics. Malaysia is following it… they are improving, in short. The second…
meditation, etc. - Our best form of Ibaadah…
the meditation, that we call. You can call meditation…with various words, with
various meanings. That’s why, we prefer to keep it out.What we do is…we worship
Allah (SWT). One of the forms of worship is, … and I described in my talk…
Salaah - That is how, do we thank Allah (SWT). And I showed you a brief
thing… if you heard the talk, I showed you that one of the medical benefits.
But we Muslims, we pray… to thank Allah (SWT), to gain guidance. Besides
gaining medical benefits, we get guidance, in the Salaah - What is good, what is wrong… for the human being.
Regarding your first question - Is there sainthood in Islam?… there is
something like priesthood . But by priesthood… if you mean, by birth
- there is nothing like… He is born like a priest… in Islam. Every human being…
our beloved Prophet said… Every child is born in Deen-ul-Fitr. Deen-ul-Fitr means… born as a Muslim. Irrespective,
whether he is born in a Hindu family, Christian family, or a Muslim family, or
Buddhist family… he is born sinless. Every child born is born as sinless. Even
a child in the Hindu family, if he dies at the age of five, he is going to go
to Paradise, directly. Later on, they may get convinced, with wrong views, etc.
- but every child born, is sinless. Regarding priesthood… there is nothing like priesthood birth… or by family. A person who is qualified -
Example… we have Imams in our Mosques.
A person who can recite well… anyone who is a Muslim, who can recite well, he
can be an Imam. A scholar… a person
who has more knowledge about a particular field, than you… ask him for advice. The Qur'an says… Ask the
person who knows. So suppose you want to know, what medicine… you will go to a
doctor. If you want to know about science… you’ll go to a scientist. If you
want to know the Revelation… when it was revealed, etc….the Holy Qur'an…you
will go to a Maulana, who is well
versed in that field - but there is nothing like…by birth priesthood. We have the
Imans, who read the prayers for congregation - We have a leader…but not by
birth. Hope that satisfies you, brother. All the human beings are equal. The
only thing by which you are superior, is by righteousness. If you are more
righteous…you are a superior human being, than another human being. Hope that
answers your question.
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