Sunday, February 8, 2015
Sunday, April 6, 2014
Beating the Child
“My children do not listen to anything I say. What should I do? Although I know that it is a wrong method, I usually scold and beat my children. I usually feel angry with them and then with myself. I can not bear this type of life; there must be another solution.”
With these words, the sighs of the hopeless father who beats his children ended. He is confused between those who see that beating is the only solution and those who accuse him of neglecting his children and make him feel regretful. Due to the travails of those who assume the responsibility of the upbringing of children, I write these words:
Beating in the Eyes of Child-care Experts:
• 10 percent of parents harshly scold their children and do not see anything wrong with this
• 20 percent of parents severely scold their children but do not wish to do so. They are looking for a better way to discipline their children.
Even if I doubt these figures because I believe that the numbers are much more than this, few parents use beating correctly as a means of punishment.
Specialists still have different opinions about the efficiency of punishment through beating. They also disagree whether or not this is an efficient practice employed in a sound upbringing. However, most of them believe that beating does not change the child's behavior. Rather, it is just a temporary remedy for the child's bad behavior, but in fact it teaches the child nothing.
Given this logic, specialists divided the parents' methods in punishing their children into three different methods:
1. The impulsive method:
This method is also known as the “day-long” method. Mostly, this method is a reaction of the parents to their children's behavior in their daily life. This is commonly used with young children in particular. Their parents are not quite serious when they beat them violently. They often pull their children by their clothes with one hand and move the other hand in the air. In most cases, the beating is symbolic and the child screams thereafter and then returns to play again. This is the so-called "beat the child on his hand" method.
Many parents rashly use this method when their children do something wrong, like touching the electricity cord and similar actions. The children are excused because they neither know nor imagine that this is harmful. The parent should explain to his child why touching such things is not allowed and this justifies beating. Then, the parent should keep such things away from the child or keep him away from them and hence, the children will imitate him. If parents simply resort to beating, children too will just learn how to beat.
2. The anger method:
It is the most prevalent and the most harmful method. When you get angry and then scold and beat your child, this leads to a number of problems, including teaching your child how to provoke you and make you angry, and that his bad behavior causes you to lose control over yourself. Scolding and beating in moments of anger is impulsive behavior and is often a reaction to the child's bad behavior. If you scold your child and beat him when you are angry, you are unaware of what you are doing and you may harm your child.
When you scold and beat your child if you are angry, this creates negative feelings. Actually, you create these feelings inside yourself, your child as well as the rest of your family members. Such feelings could destroy your child's self-confidence due to extreme fear of parents and feeling that their parents have no confidence in them. Besides, the Prophet
forbade us from getting angry when he said:“Do not get angry.”
When you scold your child or beat him when you are angry, you mostly do so out of revenge. Thereafter, your feeling of guilt gets more and more severe until it finally explodes.
3. The planning method:
Although it is rarely used, this is the third method used by parents and it is the best method for those who want to punish their children through beating. It is when a parent talks to his child about an episode of bad behavior and tells him that he will be punished with a beating if he repeats such an action again. Say, for example, “If you use bad language, you will be punished by a beating.” When your child talks obscenely, you are required to quietly beat him. Quietness is crucial here because if you are not quiet, this means that you are using the anger method in punishing through beating. This method involves the implication: “beating you hurts me more than you.”
The mother of my child
I'm not a mother. But I've been blessed with a great one for almost a quarter century. That's education enough, at least for one thing:
Choosing a partner who embodies the top four qualities I believe a mother must have to help their Muslim children, in the words of the Quran (which mean), {"He made her grow in a good manner…"} [Quran 3:37]. So here they are:
1. Maturity: This trait leads my list because the surest way to guarantee a child won't be reared properly is for it to be raised by another child. A woman of minimum maturity cares for the souls that have come from her womb like the Heavenly blessings they are: Far and away, the most important family responsibility for both mother and father. The wise woman knows the wellbeing of her offspring comes before her career, social life, even her own needs.
2. Knowledge: Education, both Islamic and academic (not that these are different), is essential in a good mother. It is not a coincidence that children of highly educated parents often do well in school. My prototypical mother is one who can help the little ones with their academics even when they get to be big ones and go on to higher education.
Moreover, a woman who is well grounded in the religious sciences makes the very best soil for child growth. That old adage about mother being the first teacher is entirely true.
During my own childhood, for instance, my mother made an effort to treat birthdays and our many other market-driven holidays just like any other day. I intend to liberate my children accordingly, having freely lived the great benefits of this policy. A good Islamic background does, indeed, have a righteous domino effect on the character of our children and, therefore, the virtue of the family.
Now, Islamic knowledge means more than giving children a laundry list of "do’s and don’ts." I was particular when I used the phrase "religious sciences" regarding a good mother's education, for a mother, like a father, needs to understand how it is that we come to judgments, practices, and jurisdictions from the Quran and Sunnah. In this way, children will not merely accumulate disconnected outcomes but learn the processes by which they are to deduce their own conclusions about moral and religious issues, instead of blindly following a person or group.
3. Patience and mercy: I really can't think of more crucial human characteristics than these twin attributes. Mothers facing the frenzied pressures of our tough social environment profoundly need both. It is critical that a good mother refrain from hitting or veiling at her children out of frustration, of which there is much to go around. Children carry the emotional scars of unnecessary and unfair beatings with them into adulthood and often develop complexes and hold grudges against their parents because of this. Additionally, it is sinful for any of us to abuse our authority in the form of harmful physical or verbal abuse.
4. Role modeling: The mother I envision for my own children is, most of all, a role model, an integrated example of Islam in motion. For it is by this that she will best represent for her children how one lives as a whole human being. It is, moreover, the preeminent, most dependable way for her to gain their sovereign respect, on top of the natural feelings they have for her as their mother, which is important. Children should live thinking that their mother is close to perfect. She can't forbid her child from listening to hip hop music, for example, while she sways to R&B or Arabic songs. Part of modeling is also literal: She dresses modestly and carries herself with the dignity a Muslim woman should.
This is not only ideal for daughters but sons, as well. The girls learn how they ought to behave and the boys— along with that—begin to understand what they should really want in a wife, someone whose merits approach the high standard they have grown up with in their mother.
I have no illusions about being able to supplant a mother's role in the life of the children I pray that God gives me. For rearing a child correctly does, indeed, take an exclusive dedication from a "real" woman.
Yet just as mothers grow proud of' their children, so too daughters and, perhaps, especially sons, swell with a unique sense of honor when they begin to realize the worthiness of their mother. Soon, they will be looking around to see how other mothers treat their children and comparing it to their own situations.
I ask Allah to grant me, and all my unmarried peers, children of the righteous who esteem their mothers. I know no human being is perfect. But good Muslim mothers (mom!), you come closer to this than any of us.
Thursday, March 27, 2014
Real Happiness and Inner Peace
Real happiness and peace can be found in submitting to the
commands of the Creator and the Sustainer of this world. God has said in
the Quran:
“Truly, in remembering God do hearts find rest.” (Quran
On the other hand, the one who turns away from the Quran
will have a life of hardship in this world. God has said:
“But whoever turns away from the Quran,[1] he will have a hard life, and We
will raise him up blind on the Day of Judgment.” (Quran 20:124)
This may explain why some people commit suicide while they
enjoy the material comfort money can buy. For example, look at Cat
Stevens (now Yusuf Islam), formerly a famous pop singer who used to earn
sometimes more than $150,000 a night. After he converted to Islam, he found
true happiness and peace, which he had not found in material success.[2]
[2] The present
mailing address of Cat Stevens (Yusuf Islam), in case you would like to ask him
about his feelings after he converted to Islam, is: 2 Digswell Street, London
N7 8JX, United Kingdom.
Salvation from Hellfire
God has said in the Quran:
“Those who have disbelieved and died in disbelief, the
earth full of gold would not be accepted from any of them if one offered it as
a ransom. They will have a painful punishment, and they will have no helpers.”
(Quran 3:91)
So, this life is our only chance to win Paradise and to
escape from Hellfire, because if someone dies in disbelief, he will not have
another chance to come back to this world to believe. As God has said in
the Quran about what is going to happen for the unbelievers on the Day of Judgment:
“If you could but see when they are set before the Fire
(Hell) and say, “Would that we might return (to the world)! Then we would
not reject the verses of our Lord, but we would be of the believers!” (Quran
But no one will have this second opportunity.
The Prophet Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be
upon him, said: “The happiest man in the world of those doomed to the Fire
(Hell) on the Day of Judgment will be dipped in the Fire once. Then he
will be asked, ‘Son of Adam, did you ever see any good? Did you ever
experience any blessing?’ So he will say, ‘No, by God, O Lord!’”[1]
The Pleasures of Paradise in Brief
God has said in the Quran:
“And give good news (O Muhammad) to those who believe and
do good deeds, that they will have gardens (Paradise) in which rivers flow....”
(Quran 2:25)
God has also said:
“Race one with another for forgiveness from your Lord and
for Paradise, whose width is as the width of the heavens and the earth, which
has been prepared for those who believe in God and His messengers....” (Quran
The Prophet Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be
upon him, told us that the lowest in rank among the dwellers of Paradise will
have ten times the like of this world,[1] and he or she will have
whatever he or she desires and ten times like it.[2] Also, the Prophet Muhammad
said: “A space in Paradise equivalent to the size of a foot would be better
than the world and what is in it.”[3] He also said: “In Paradise
there are things which no eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no human mind has
thought of.”[4] He also said: “The most
miserable man in the world of those meant for Paradise will be dipped once in
Paradise. Then he will be asked, ‘Son of Adam, did you ever face any
misery? Did you ever experience any hardship?’ So he will say, ‘No,
by God, O Lord! I never faced any misery, and I never experienced any
If you enter Paradise, you will live a very happy life
without sickness, pain, sadness, or death; God will be pleased with you; and
you will live there forever. God has said in the Quran:
“But those who believe and do good deeds, We will admit
them to gardens (Paradise) in which rivers flow, lasting in them forever....”
(Quran 4:57)
The Pleasures of Paradise (part 2 of 2)
The Eternalness of the Hereafter
The Pleasures of this world are transient whilst the joys of
the hereafter are lasting and eternal. In this life when a person enjoys
something, it is only a short while before they get bored with it and proceed
to search for something they feel is better, or they may not feel a need for it
altogether. As for the delights of Paradise, a person will never feel
bored with anything, but rather, its goodness will increase each time they
indulge in it.
Also, the life of this world is very short. Humans
only live on this earth for a short while, and very few people reach the age of
“…Say: Short is the enjoyment of this world. The
Hereafter is (far) better for him who fears God...” (Quran 4:77)
As for Paradise, people will live forever. God says:
“...its provision is eternal and so is its shade…” (Quran
“What is with you must vanish, and what is with God will
endure …” (Quran 16:96)
“(It will be said to them): This is Our Provision, which
will never finish” (Quran 38:54)
Superior Delights
The delights of the people of Paradise, such as their
clothing, food, drink, jewelry and palaces, will be far superior to their
counterparts in this world. There is in fact no room for comparison, as
even the smallest space in Paradise is better than this world and all that is
in it. The Prophet Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon
him, said:
“The space of the bow of any one of you in Paradise is
better than all that the sun rises upon” (Mishkaat al-Masaabeeh 3/85,
no. 5615)
Free from all Impurities
Paradise is free from all the impurities of this
world. Eating and drinking in this life results in the need for excretion
and its associated unpleasant odors. If a person drinks wine in this
world, he loses his mind. Women in this world menstruate and give birth,
which are sources of pain and hurt. Paradise is free from all of these
discomforts: its people will not urinate, defecate, spit or suffer from
catarrh. The wine of Paradise, as described by its Creator, is:
“Crystal-white, delicious to those who drink (thereof),
free from intoxication, nor will they suffer intoxication therefrom” (Quran
The water of Paradise does not become brackish, and its milk
never changes in flavor:
“...rivers of water incorruptible; rivers of milk of
which the taste never changes...” (Quran 47:15)
The women of Paradise are pure and free from menstruation,
postnatal bleeding and all the other impurities suffered by women in this
world, and all are free from stool and feces. God says:
“...and they shall have therein purified mates…” (Quran
The prophet answered a person when they asked how the people
of Paradise will relieve themselves:
“They relieve themselves by perspiring through their
skins, and its fragrance will be that of musk, and all stomachs will have
become lean.” (ibn Hibbaan)
What we have mentioned has been a mere comparison in order
to understand the nature of Paradise, but as God said, its delights are truly
“No person knows what is kept hidden for them of joy, as
a reward for what they used to do.” (Quran 32:17)
Paradise: There is Nothing Like It
The delights of Paradise surpass the imagination and defy
description. They are like nothing known to the people of this world; no
matter how advanced we may become, what we achieve is as nothing in comparison
with the joys of the Hereafter. As is mentioned in several reports, there
is nothing like Paradise:
“It is sparkling light, aromatic plants, a lofty palace,
a flowing river, ripe fruit, a beautiful wife and abundant clothing, in an
eternal abode of radiant joy, in beautiful soundly-constructed high houses”. (Ibn
Maajah, Ibn Hibbaan)
The Sahabah asked the Prophet about the buildings of
Paradise and he replied with a wonderful description:
“Bricks of gold and silver, and mortar of fragrant musk,
pebbles of pearl and sapphire, and soil of saffron. Whoever enters it is
filled with joy and will never feel miserable; he will live there forever and
never die; their clothes will never wear out and their youth will never fade.”
(Ahmad, at-Tirmidhi, ad-Daarimee)
God says:
“And when you look there (in Paradise) you will see a
delight (that cannot be imagined), and a great dominion.” (Quran 76:20)
What God has kept hidden from us the delights of Paradise is
beyond our ability to comprehend. The Prophet said that God said:
“I have prepared for My slaves what no eye has seen, no ear
has heard and no human heart can imagine.” Recite if you wish:
“No person knows what is kept hidden for them of joy as a
reward for what they used to do.” (Quran 32:17)
In another report:
“Never mind what God has told you; what He has not told
you is even greater.” (Saheeh Muslim)
In other articles, we will attempt to mention some of the
specific details of Paradise and the delights therein described to us by God
and His last Prophet.
The Pleasures of Paradise (part 1 of 2)
The reality of Paradise is something which people will never
be able to understand until they actually enter it, but God has shown us
glimpses of it in the Quran. He has described it as a place essentially
different to the life of this world, both in the very nature and purpose of
life, as well as the types of delights which people will enjoy therein.
The Quran tells people about Paradise, which God offers to them, describes its
great blessings, and proclaims its beauties to everyone. It informs
people that Paradise is one of two ways of life prepared for them in the
afterworld, and that every good thing will be theirs in Paradise to a degree
that surpasses our present ability to imagine. It also shows that
Paradise is a place where all blessings have been created perfectly and where
people will be offered everything their souls and hearts will desire, and that
people will be far removed from want and need, anxiety or sadness, sorrow and
regret. Every kind of beauty and blessing exists in Paradise and will be
revealed with a perfection never seen or known before. God has prepared
such blessings there as a gift, and these will be offered only to people with
whom He is pleased.
But what is the nature of these delights in Paradise, and
how will it be different from the delights of this world? We will try to
highlight a few of these differences.
Pure delight without pain and suffering
While people in this world experience some delight, they
also face much toil and suffering. If one was to scrutinize the life
which they live, they will find that the amount of hardship they face is much
more than the ease and comfort. As for the life of the Hereafter, there
will be no hardship nor suffering in it, and people will live therein in pure
joy and delight. All the causes of sorrow, pain and suffering which
people experience in this life will be absent in the Hereafter. Let’s
take a look at some of these causes.
When one thinks of success in this life, they usually
conjure the image of big houses, fine jewelry and clothing, and expensive cars;
financial stability is seen to be the key to a happy life. To most
people, success is inseparably related to wealth, even though this is the
furthest from the truth. How many times have we seen the wealthiest of
people living such miserable lives, that it sometimes even leads them to commit
suicide! Wealth is something which humans in their very nature desire at
any cost, and this desire has been created for a great and wise purpose.
When this desire is not satiated, it causes some extent of grief in a
person. For this reason, God has promised the inhabitants of Paradise
that they will have all that they imagined as far as wealth and belongings are
concerned, both for those who were extremely poor, experiencing even hunger and
thirst, to those well-to-do but who desired even more. God gives us a
glimpse of this when he says:
“... there will be there all that the souls could desire,
all that the eyes could delight in …” (Quran 43:71)
“Eat and drink at ease for that which you have sent forth
(good deeds) in days past!” (Quran 69:24)
“… They will be adorned therein with bracelets of gold,
and they will wear green garments of fine silk and heavy brocade. They
will recline therein on raised thrones. How good [is] the
recompense! How beautiful a couch [is there] to recline on!” (Quran
Disease and Death
Another cause of pain and suffering in this life is the
death of a loved one or disease, which are both non-existent in Paradise.
None will feel any sickness or pain in Paradise. The Prophet Muhammad,
may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, said about the people of
“They will never fall ill, blow their noses or spit.” (Saheeh
None will die in Paradise. All shall live eternally
enjoying the pleasures therein. The Prophet Muhammad said that a caller
will call out in Paradise when people enter it:
“Indeed may you be healthy and never be sick again, may
you live and never die again, may you be young and never grow feeble again, may
you enjoy, and never feel sorrow and regret again.” (Saheeh Muslim)
Social Relationships
As for the remorse felt due to a rift in personal
relationships, people will never hear any evil or hurting comments or speech in
Paradise. They will only hear good words and words of peace. God
“They will not hear therein ill speech or commission of
sin. But only the saying of: Peace! Peace!” (Quran 56:25-26)
There will be no enmity between people nor ill-feelings:
“And We shall remove from their breasts any (mutual)
hatred or sense of injury (which they had, if at all, in the life of this
world)…” (Quran 7:43)
The Prophet said:
“There will be no hatred or resentment among them, their
hearts will be as one, and they will glorify God, morning and evening.” (Saheeh
People will have the best of companions in the Hereafter,
who were also the best people in the world:
“And whoever obeys God and the Messenger – those will be
with the ones upon whom God has bestowed favor – of the prophets, the steadfast
affirmers of truth, the martyrs and the righteous. And excellent are
those as companions!” (Quran 4:69)
The hearts of the people of Paradise will be pure, their
speech will be good, their deeds righteous. There will be no hurtful,
upsetting, offensive or provocative talk there, for Paradise is free of all
worthless words and deeds. If we were to discuss all the causes for anguish in
this life, we would surely find its absence or opposite to be true in Paradise.
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Q & A 4
(Q) You spoke about Universal brotherhood, but if a
non-muslim boy, will marry a muslim girl… no one will tolerate - Where does
universal brotherhood go ?
(Ans) It’s a very good question asked by the brother -that no
one will agree, that a non-muslim person marries a muslim person -where does Universal brotherhood, go? It is like
you asking me -that we will make a car, in which one tyre… is a cycle tyre, and the other is a
truck tyre -how will the car run?… how
will the car run? See...the way of life should
be same -Wife is a life partner. In Islam, Qur’an says that…The marriage
is a ‘Misaak’… sacred covenant… is a
sacred covenant. It’s not like… that she becomes your slave. It’s a sacred
covenant - Both have equal rights, on to one another. If the way of life is
different, one person will say that… I
will go to the church this day
-and one person will say…I will go to
the Mosque -and they start worshipping different things. Then it will not be a good vehicle
-the vehicle can’t run. So for the family to run good, both should have the
same philosophy -its very important. If they have different philosophies, it
will surely won’t run. Therefore I said, that Islam believes in Universal
brotherhood… all the humans, are my brothers. But the muslims are my
brothers in faith. See… you have different Christians . A Christian also… if
that Christian doesn’t agree with your view, you will even not marry that
Christian. A Christian that doesn’t agree with you Christian philosopy…you will not marry that
Christian also. Because the philosophy
of both the life partners should be same - then it will be a very smooth
sailing. If the philosophy will differ, it will be like a cycle tyre and a
truck tyre -the vehicle will not go. That is the reason why, the philosophy and way of life, of both the partners, should be
(Q) Why is it, non-muslims are
looked down upon, and known as Kafirs…
is used in a different manner, which
critics other Religion?
(Ans) The question passed is… why do you
call the Non-muslims as kafirs, and why do you look down upon
them. Brother, the Arabic word ‘Kaafir’,
comes from the root word ‘kufr’…
which means to deny, to cancel. In context of the Qur’an, it
means… Who denies the one truth of Islam so any one – Who is a non-muslim. So
Arabic word kafir, is another word for… Non-muslim. So if
you are a non-muslim,
I will have to call you a
non-muslim . The Arabic word for non-muslim is Kaafir. If you feel that Kaafir…
calling Kaafir, is
abusive…its wrong, then you should become a muslim. See… if someone
tells me…I am a Non-Hindu, why should I feel bad. I mean, if someone calls me
Non-Hindu…its not a abuse to me. If someone calls you a Non-Muslim…and you are
a non-Muslim, he is speaking the truth. You don’t accept Islam… that you are the … that your are rejecting. It’s a word for non-Muslims. If you feel, someone
robs…and if he says… Why you are calling
me a robber, then he should stop robbing. Then if he says that… He is Kaafir, your are feeling bad, then
accept Islam - No one is going to call you Kaafir.
So it is a Arabic word, used for people
who are non-Muslims. Hope
that answers
(Q) Islam teaches…peace - Why are there so many violent incidents, associated with
muslims. Example, fundamentalist… terrorist.
Islam teaches equality of gender - why is that women of Islam, are not allowed
to have equal rights of employment, in Afghanistan?
(Ans.) Brother has posed a question,
that Islam believes in peace…a
Universal Religion - Why…there you find, they are called terrorists, fundamentalists…women aren’t given the equal rights,
etc. Brother you can refer to my Video cassette - Womens rights in Islam
-Modernising are Outdated? This is a lecture for 2 hours…this is a Question-Answer session for 2 hours -
Womens rights in Islam -Modernising or Outdated? And I have proved there…in
Islam, men and women are overall equal. First, because a particular group of
people don’t give their rights to the women…that does not mean, Islam is wrong.
Therefore I say that, womens
rights in Islam, should not judged
on what individual muslims do, or what the muslims society does - the womens rights, should be judged through the authentic sources. That
is...Islam gives maximum rights -
more than, even the western world. It gives 1,400 years ago, what rights - the
rights for them to own property, about spiritual rights, about legal rights,
about social rights, about educational rights. In detail…you can refer to my
Video cassette. Why a particular individual community does?…You go and ask them
-Islam does not preach that. Regarding fundamentalists…that
Muslim, is a peace loving people…why
are they fundamentalists? I tell
that…I am proud to be a fundamentalist -Dr
Zakir Naik is proud to be a fundamentalist.
A person who follows the fundamentals,
is called a fundamentalist. So if you
want to be a good Mathematician, you should know, you should follow, the fundamentals of, and practice of,
Mathematics. If you don’t, the fundamentals
of mathematics unless your are a fundamentalist mathematician, you can
not be a good doctor. Similarly, I am proud to be a fundamentalist Muslim .I
know, I follow, and I practice, the fundamentals of Islam. But I do know, in the modern context, fundamentalist means
terrorist…terrorist. It does not mean…what it actually means. For a Hindu, to
be a good Hindu, he should know, follow, and practice, the fundamentals of Hinduism. You should be a fundamentalist Hindu, to be good Hindu. For a Christian, to be a
good Christian, you should know, follow, and
practice, the fundamentals of Christianity. Unless he is a fundamentalist Christian, he cannot be a
good Christian. But now I know, that each and every fundamental of Islam, they are good, they are not against humanity.
If the fundamentals of a particular
Religion is against humanity, then you can say…It is fundamentalist…But that
fundamentalist is a bad human being. There is not a single fundamental of
Islam, which goes against humanity. The reason, you may think, that it is
against humanity, is lack of knowledge. Either you may not be knowing the
Islamic law correctly, or you may not be knowing the statistics of the world
correctly. Regarding terrorist…A
person, like the freedom fighters of India -you know what we call them…freedom fighters…'Desh Bhakt'.
The British government called them…terrorists -Same man…same work he is
doing. The Indians feel, that the Britishers had no right to rule India,
therefore these people are called as, freedom
fighters. The British government think, that they had the right over India
-they think that they are terrorists.
Same man same activity two different labels. So, depending on upon which view
you agree -if you agree with the British view, you will call them terrorists. If you agree with the Indian
view, you will call them 'Desh Bhakt'.
So, a person can be given different labels, by different criteria of judgement.
If you judge a person correctly, no true Muslim can ever be a terrorist. True, there are black sheep
in every community, there are black sheep in every community. That does not
mean -Hitler…he inncinurated six million Jews, so can you say…Christianity is
bad? He was a Christian! Just because Hitler killed six million Jews, Mussolini
killed thousands of people, you cannot say…Christianity is bad. Similarly, there
are black sheep in every community, but the label depends, upon which view you
agree with. Hope that answers your question.
(Q). Why are woman in Islam, are not
allowed to have equal rights in Afghanistan?
(Ans) Why are'nt woman in Afghanistan,
have equal right for employment. The thing is that, in Islam a woman is allowed
to do any work, as long as it does not go away, out of the shariah, or views. For example, a woman cannot work in alcoholic
bar…even a man cannot work. A woman cannot work in a gambling den…where, even a
man cannot work. A woman cannot do jobs which exploit her body, like modeling,
film acting -it exploits her body. We want our woman folk to be respected.
Thousands of men looking at the woman, and whistling and all. We believe in a modest
way of life, therefore such jobs which exhibit the body. The Western
culture…talking about Womens'
liberalisation -It is actually a disguised form, of the exploitation of the
body of the woman, of deprivation of her honour, and degradation of her soul.
The Western society, claiming to uplift the woman, have actually degraded her,
to the status of a concubine, to mistresses, and society butterflies…which are
hidden behind the colourful screen of art and culture... art and culture. Islam
does'nt agree with such jobs. Otherwise the other jobs… if it’s a modest job,
if she has the hijab, and segregation
of sexes, she can very well do it.
Afghanistan…Afghanistan… See, what reports do we in papers, we don’t know
whether it is right or wrong. The Qur'an says in Sura Hujurat, V. 6, 'Whenever
you get any news, verify it '. I read in the Indian papers, that these
Afghanistan…these Mujahideens, they
killed the women -They say…You should not go to work. And they have stopped the
doctors from going to work…all the lady doctors, and they have stopped their
pay, and etc. I read in the Time Magazine. The Time Magazine says that… The
Mujahideens have stopped the women from doing immodest jobs…even after they
have stopped. But have not stopped the lady doctors…they have not stopped lady teachers. And those people whom they
have stopped…they are providing them with salaries, at their doorsteps…at their
doorsteps. If any one says that - 'Ahlan
Was ahlan'…I would love it. Don't
work…Salary at door step -Why?… to prevent them from doing immodest things.
See if you are doing a immodest job, we will tell you it is wrong -It is attracting violence. Don't do modeling,
don't do dancing, don't do film acting…but whatever salary you are getting, we
will provide you at your door step. So the views
that we get in the paper is variant… different. I cannot say sitting from
here…which is right. Whether Times of
India is right, or Time Magazine is right, I don’t know. So
the Qur'an says… Ask the person who knows.
So there are experts in these
fields…you know -but what reports I get, I have given it to you. That this is
just the media… in the hands of the Westerners. They control the Media and they
maligning unnecessarily, Islam. Hope that answers your question.
(Q) Qur'an
says…Allah is most Merciful - its also prescribed later on that the find of
very severe punishment -So is He revengeful God…is he a revengeful God, or is
He a Merciful God ?
(Ans) Brother as iled a good question…I
have understood the question.I am in the field I have understood the question.
The brother has asked a question, that the Qur'an says -Allah (SWT) is Rahman-o-Rahim…most Merciful, most Gracious -then why does He give punishment…you
know, revengeful or horrifying God, etc. And you have punishments, as I said… Capital punishment for rape, in this
world. Some punishment would be… put in
the hell fire, etc. The thing that you should realise brother, that Allah
(SWT), is a Merciful God at the same time, He is a Just God…both, Just and
Merciful -the Qur'an gives 99 different attributes. For e.g. if someone commits
rape, Qur'an …you cannot say that God is so merciful, God let the rapists go
free. That is not a Merciful God…that is an unjust God. What about the
person…the lady which was raped… you let him so free. Science tells us today, that a person who commits rape…one
again when he goes in the society, 95% times he will commit a rape again.
People say that…First give him 5 years imprisonment, and second time…death
penalty. Statistics today tell of America that… 95% when a person commits rape,
when he goes in the society, he again commits rape. So Allah (SWT) is Merciful
and Just, at the same time. Allah is Just, to the lady who was raped. Allah is
even Merciful to that man -he will commit a rape again -It is bad for him…committing
rape. Similarly if you rob, the Qur'an says…Chopping of the hands -You call it
a very ruthless law… Oh…Islam is very ruthless -Chopping of hands. First Islam
says…The system of Zakah. As I said,
every rich person should give 2.5 % of excess wealth, to poor people. After
that, if some one robs, then…chopping off the hands. Surah Maidah, Ch.5, V. 38,
says that…As per the thief, be it a man or a woman, chop off his or her hands, as a punishment from Allah
(SWT).People will think that, every second person you will come across
in Saudi Arabia, will have his or her hands dropped off. I have been to Saudi Arabia…I did not
come across a single person, with this hands chopped off. There will be few
people -but I have not come across them
-It is not as common as it seems. If you implement the Shariah in America today, that every person…rich person should give Zakat and charity, and after that, if
any one robs chop of the hand -Will the rate of crime in America…will it
increase?…will it remain the same?…or will it decrease? - It will decrease. So
Allah (SWT), is Merciful at the same time… Just - And He is very careful, in
taking of accounts. All three…all three can only come together, if a
person seeks for the justice of the
whole of humanity. Overall… to the humanity, He is merciful or not…to stop
rape? It is merciful, or not?…It is merciful. So if you say…No let the people
enjoy -today you'll 1,000 rapes…tommorow 10,000 daily, and it will keep on
increasing. So, this law of Allah (SWT), is Merciful to the whole of humankind
- not only for a particular group of people -or only permission for Saudi
Arabia or for Americans -It is Merciful, for the whole of humanity. That is
why, these punishments have been kept -so that even they improve, and benefit
to the whole of human kind. Hope that answers your question.
The brother has posed
a question, that the women have a lot of responsibility, to keep up to
themselves. I do agree…details are mentioned in my video cassette -it calls for
a talk. But yet, the rights are equal
-Qur'an does not put them at a lower level. Qur'an… Qur'an clearly says in
Surah Al Baqarah, in Ch.2, Verse 238, that… The woman has rights equal to
them, as those against them, on terms equitable.' They have equal rights. What are the rights?…You can refer to my Video cassette, brother. There are rights, but they are equal -It is not
that more burden is put on woman, so men can relax. In some places, woman have
got more burden , men has got less burden . In some places, men have got more
burden, woman has got less burden. Like, looking after the family, the burden
is put on the shoulder of a man. It is the duty of the man to earn the living,
lodging, boarding, clothing, and all financial aspects of a woman. Before she
is married, it is the duty of her father and her brother. After she is married,
it is the duty of the husband and the son, to look after her boarding,
clothing, and lodging, and everything. Some aspect…if you see in my video cassette, I have analysed there -that in some
cases, the women have a higher responsibility -In some cases, men have a higher
responsibility. Overall both are equal. Hope that satisfies you.Q & A 3
(Q). You earlier in your speech, quoted
a Verse from the Qur'an, that actually its not only the moon which moves, but
it is also the sun… and science has
proved, that sun moves alright. But this seems to be, regarding the earlier
belief, that the earth is round alright - but all the heavenly bodies, are
going round the earth… including the sun. The geo-centric theory… you know that
all the stars, sun, and the moon, go round the earth… and the earth is the
centre of everything - This seems to be implying that… is n it not?
(Ans) A very good question, the brother
has asked. That’s why for more details, I said… You refer to my video cassette
- “Qur'an and Modern Science – Conflict or conciliation” Part I & II. It’s
a four hour cassette, which took place in Bombay. The chair person is saying
that… Be brief. It is difficult to be
brief and convince, and the brother has rightly said…There was a theory… which
was propounded by Tolommy - I am giving the name of the person by Tolommy… 2nd
century B.C., which believed in the theory of Goecentrism. Geocentrism
means, the earth was the centre of the universe, and all the planets including
the sun, revolved round the earth - which the Qur'an completely contradicts. In
fact, what I quoted from the Verse of the Holy Qur'an was brother, from Surah
Al-Anbiya, Ch. No. 21, V. No. 33… (Arabic)…. That it is Allah, who has created
the nights and the day…. (Arabic)…. each one travelling in a orbit, with its
own motion. It says that… The sun and the moon is travelling in a orbit… orbit
means revolving - with its own motion means… rotating. Yasbahun is an Arabic word, describing the motion of a moving body
for a celestial body. It is rotating… it revolving and rotating. No where does
the Qur'an say that… The sun and moon revolves, around the earth. Today the
science has advanced - that is on old theory, which has been proved wrong.
Today science tells us that… The sun solar system… of the solar system - sun is
the centre. The planets Mercury, Earth, Venus - all one revolving. But the
solar system on its own - the solar system is also revolving round, in the
galaxy. If you know brother, that is the latest theory... That even the solar
system is revolving around a point in
the galaxy, and even the galaxy is revolving point in the universe. So the
Qur'an does not say, that the sun and moon is revolving round the sun - which
Tasnema Nasreen has misinterpreted. She says that… The Qur'an says that the
sun, revolves round the earth. There is
not a single statement - that is a misinterpretation. The Qur'an says that… The
sun and moon, revolve and rotate. It doesn’t say… Around the earth - That is
she is adding the own. Previously, when I was in school, I was thought that the
sun revolves… it does not rotate - it
was stationery. Today, with the help of an equipment, you can have the image of
the sun, on the table top. Since we can look at the sun directly, you can have
the image of the sun, on the table top - And we have come to know, that the sun
has got black spots. And it takes approximately 25 days for these black spots,
to complete one rotation - indicating, the sun takes 25 days to complete one
rotation. So what science tells… proves today, in school I didn’t knew this.
What science has proved today… that the sun rotates and revolves. Qur'an has
mentioned this, 1400 years ago. There is not a single statement in the Holy
Qur'an, which goes against established science. There may be theories which go
against the Qur'an -Theories like Darwins Theory, which has been proved wrong.
But theories… Not a single scientific fact, which has been established, which
goes against a single Verse of the Holy Qur'an. Hope that satisfies for
(Q). Why Islam prescribes
Non-vegetarian diet? Another one -whether politicians can fit into Religion…
whether Religion can independently survive without politians?
(Ans). Brother has asked two questions
-The second one is politics and Islam…. Can Religion survive without
politicians. Brother, as I said… Islam is a complete way of life. There is
politics in Islam -But its not similar to the modern politics we have…you know
every one filling their pockets, etc. - So Islam is against such modern
politics. But there is a political system in Islam. As I said, that Islam is a
complete code of conduct -It’s a
complete way of life. You cannot be a good Muslim, without being a good worldly
human being -You have to be. So even Islam speaks about politics…that is a
different thing. But surely, what you are referring to… Modern politics… Islam is far away. Islam don’t where they people back this politics, and they try and
fill their pockets - Their pocket is more important, than other peoples betterment
-Islam is against that. Regarding your first question, which is very
important…since we are having dinner…you know, after the Question and Answer
session. The brother has posed a question that… why does Islam say that you
should have Non-Veg.?… Why does Islam allows Non-Veg. That’s a good question.
If you analyse, the set of teeth of the herbivorous
animals… the cows, goat and sheep, they have got a vegetables. If you analyse,
that set of teeth of the carnivorous animals,
the lion, tiger, or leopard, they all have a pointed set of teeth… they have
only Non-Veg. If you analyse, the set of teeth of human beings, are pointed
teeth -We have carnivorous, as well
as herbivorous -We have an omnivorous set of teeth. If God
Almighty…our Creator, wanted us to have only Veg…. He should have given us only
flat teeth. Why did He give us pointed teeth? There is a purpose. Even if you
push down the throat of goat, sheep, cow, the herbivorous animals…Non-Veg….for
it to digest it will not -the digestive system will not digest. Similarly the
digestive system of carnivorous animal cannot digest vegetables. The digestive
system of human beings, can digest both Non-Veg. and Veg. If God Almighty
wanted us to have only Veg…. why did He gave us a digestive system which can digest
both. If you analyse… if you analyse the Hindu Scriptures, if you read… The
sages and the saints had Non-Veg. -Its mentioned there. Even if you read the Ramayana -See again I am quoting… Always
give the reference. People should not think that I am pulling a fast one -I am
not pulling a fast one, because I am giving references. People…when I give
information to the Muslim. They got shocked… its mentioned in the Qur'an and
the Hadiths. When I mentioned the Ram
and the Vedas to be Non-Muslims, they
get shocked. It is mentioned in Ayodhya
Khandam, Ch. No. 90, Ch. No. 26, when Ram was sent for Banvaas, he told his mother that… I will have to sacrifice my tasty
meat dishes. That means, Rama ate Non-Veg. -He ate meat. The reason why Hindu
philosophy, later on changed to Veg…. due to a reason -It has to have a reason.
Because people got influenced by Ahimsa…
other ways of life like Buddhism, Jainism, etc., which believe in Ahimsa. So to prevent people getting
converted to other Religions they accepted Vegetarianism. If you ask these
Jains, and all that… Why do you have
only vegetable? They tell you that…
Plants are without life, animals are with life…and killing any living
creature is wrong. If you kill any living creature without a cause, it is haram even in Islam. If you kill any
living creature… let be an ant also, without cause, its not allowed. But they
have a misconception…that plants do not have life. But science has advanced,
and we have come to know, that even plants have got life -so their reason has failed.
So they have come out with a new answer, saying that… See plants do have life,
but they do not feel pain. Animals can feel pain. Therefore killing an animal
is a greater crime that killing a plant. Today, science has advanced, and we
have come to know, that even the plants can feel pain. They can even cry… they
even feel happy. You know, they have a nervous system, but it is ill developed.
There is a research done in America,
that a farmer had a equipment. The cry of the plants, cannot be heard by human
beings, because the frequency of the human ear, is from 20 cycles to 20,0000
cycles per second. You know the silent dog whistle… the dog can listen to
40,000 cycles per second. So when you blow the dog whistle, the human being
can’t listen…but the dog comes to the master. So human being can hear only from
20 cycles to 20,000 cycles per second. May be the cry of the plant given, is
out of range. So a farmer took out an equipment, in which, the moment the plant
didn’t get water, it cried…and he could hear it. So the plants can feel pain,
they even feel happy, and they can even cry. So there was a person who had the
maximum argument with me, and he said that… See brother Zakir, I agree with you
that plants are living creatures, they can feel pain. But if you see, you
analyse logically, the animal have got 5 senses - the plants have got 2 or 3
senses. So killing a living creature having 5 senses, is a greater crime, than
killing a living creature having 3 senses… logical. I said… For the sake of
argument, I agree with you. Suppose you brother, if he is born deaf and born
dumb, and when he grows up, if a criminal comes and murders him. Will you go
and tell the judge, O my lord give the murderer a less punishment, because my
brother had 2 senses less?… Will you say that? You will say that… Give the
murderer a bigger punishment… the poor person could not support himself. So in
Islam, you can. In Islam, Allah (SWT) says in Surah Al-Baqarah, Ch. No. 2, V.
No. 168, Eat of the good things, We have provided. But a Muslim, can be a very
good Muslim, even by being a pure Veg. - he can be…not that he cannot be. The
Qur'an does not say, that you should have Non-Veg. You can be a good Muslim,
even by having pure vegetarian. But if you analyse, there is no first class
protein in vegetarian. Do you know that the best protein of vegetable, is Soya
bean…which is second class? Non-Veg. has got first class protein, which is not
there in vegetable. There are articles, coming written by scientists, who say
that… See these are the benefits of Veg. over the Non-Veg. They are promoting
Veg., because its their way of life. But there are articles written by Non-Veg.
scientists also, which disapprove that. So when you have a person who has got
knowledge of both Non-Veg and Veg., you will come to know, that eating Non-Veg.
is beneficial for the human body. So when Allah has given us good food, which
we can have, why should we abstain from it? Hope that answers your question.
(Q). Some people think that Muslims are
taking Non-Vegetarian food multicleeled animal flesh… as a result of this, they
are not able to control their emotions and feelings - Is this correct?… Please
throw some light.
(Ans). Brother has asked a very good
question, and the basis… it’s the diet that you have… has an effect on your
behaviour. And I do agree with it - the diet that you eat, that food that you
eat, has an effect on your behaviour. That is the reason…Islam only allows us
to have…only herbivorous animals, like the cow, goat, and the sheep. You know
mild people…we are going to be mild. We are not allowed to have lion, tigers,
leopards, carnivorous animals. If you eat those - lion, tiger and leopards, you
will become like a lion, tiger and leopard… Right? The food that you eat, is
going to have an effect on your behaviour… Science has said that. That’s the
reason, you will have only herbivorous animal like cow…a domicile…you know a
cow - so humble. We too have that, because we want to be humble. Non-Veg. of
animals like lion, tiger and leopard - Our Prophet said… Anything which is
carnivorous, any thing which has got chaws and canine teeth… you are not
allowed to have that meat…the Prophet said. There was a research done in
America, that people were only fed on vegetables for months together, and
another group of people, were fed on Non-Veg. When you say…Non-Veg., you cannot feed only on Non-Veg. - When you say… Non-Veg., it means Veg. is included.
When you say Non-Veg., it includes Veg. also. So those who were fed on
Non-Veg., their social behaviour was much better, than those who were fed on
Veg. This is a research done - the documents are there. People have a
misconception that, if you have only vegetable - The difference is very minute
- the difference, is not a major difference. It’s a minute difference, that the
social behaviour of a pure Veg. is less cordial, as compared to Non-Veg….
Research says that. But the people…Some Vegetarians are soft, some are
ferocious - Some Non-Veg. are soft, some are ferocious. That is because of the
atmosphere, not diet - Because of their upbringing. May be the teacher they
got, was ferocious - And they told them to behave like that. Otherwise, Islam
is the Religion - Peace comes from
the root word Salaam. We always
promote peace…we always promote peace - And it’s a peace loving, merciful
Religion. Hope that answers the question.
(Q). Why is Polygamy allowed for man,
but not for woman? Why is there no birth control in Islam?
(Ans) Regarding the first question that -
why is Polygamy allowed for the male, and not for the woman?…Why is a man
allowed to do Polygamy? Polygamy
means, a man having more than one spouse… more than one wife. Polyandry, is the woman having more than
one husband. In fact if you analyse, Qur'an is the only religious Scriputre on
the face of the earth, that says…‘Marry only one’ it’s shocking. Qur'an is the
only religious Scripture on the face of the earth, that says…Marry only one. If
you read the Ramayana, if you read
the Vedas, if you read the Bible, other Scriptures....No Scripture
says… Marry only one, except the Holy Qur'an. In fact, if you read the
Scripture of the Christians, their saint Soloman, had hundreds of wives -
Abraham had more than one wife…the Bible says, three wives. Even the Hindu
Scriptures, they had several wives… the father of Rama… King Dashrata - he had
more than one wife.
Holy Qur'an is the religious Scripture
which says that…Marry only one. It says in Surah Nisa Ch. No. 4, V. No.
3, Marry woman of your choice, in twos, threes or fours. But if you cannot do
justice, marry only one - Islam puts an upper limit. In other ways of life, you
can marry as many as you want - no upper limit. Islam puts on upper limit, of
maximum four. But you can marry, only if you can do justice. If you can’t do
justice, marry only one. And the Qur'an says in Surah Nisa, Ch. No. 4, V. No.
129, that… It is difficulty to do justice between your wives. So don’t
altogether turn away from them. It is nowhere mentioned, that if you marry more
than one wife, you get more blessings. No where its mentioned - Its optional. So,
why has Islam given permission to marry more than one wife. The reason is that,
Islam has given permission because…if you analyse the birth rate of male and
female… they are approximately equal. But if you ask any pediatrician… a doctor of the children, he will tell you that…The female child can fight the germs and the disease,
much better than a male child. They are the stronger sex medically - so there
are more death rate in the males, than the female children. When you grow up,
there are accidents taking place, wars taking place, more men die than women.
If you analyze the statistics of the world, India is one of the few countries,
in which the female population, is less than the male population. You know
why?… Because there is the answer given in BBC…a television programme “Let her
die”, by the title… assignment Emilly
Beckhenen, a Britisher. She came and said…according to the statistics…Every
day, more than 3000 feticides are been aborted, after they are identified as
female. According to a government hospital report, of Tamil Naidu…Out of ten
born alive, four are put to death…female children. Islam prohibits female infeticide , in Surah Al Takurr, Ch. 87,
Verse 8 and 9. In fact, Qur’an says in Surah Isra, Ch. 17, Verse 31, as well as in Surah Anam, Ch. 6
Verse 151 , Kill not your children for want of sustenance , for it is Allah who
will give…who will give sustenance, to
you and your children. It is prohibited in Islam…even if its male or female. So
because of this…that the male population is more in India. If you stop this
evil practice of female infeticide and
female infeticide…even in India, within
a few decades, the female will be more. If you know the statistics of America…
in America alone, there are 7 to 8 million more females than the males - in New
York alone, there are one million more females than males. Out of the
population of New York, 1/3rd are Gays. Gays, means Sodomites, Kaume
– Looth… who can’t find female partners. There are more than 25 million Gays, in America. If you analyse the
statistics, there are more than 30 million females in America, who can’t find husbands. In U.K. alone, there are more than 4 million females, as compared to males - Germany alone, there are more than 5 million females, more than male - Russia
alone, there are more than 7 million more females, than the male. And almighty
God alone knows, that how many millions females, are more in the world, than
the males. If I agree with the customs, the religious Scriptures, put no upper
limit - You marry as many as you want. If you believe into the customs of the
other ways of life, that… You should marry only one - and if my sister happens
to live in America, and suppose the market is saturated - every man has got a
wife for himself. Yet, there will be 30
million females, who won’t be able to find husbands. If my sister happens to be
one of those unfortunate ladies, who has got not married, living in America -
the only option remaining for her is… she either marries a man who already has
a wife, or become public property - There no third option. And I have asked
this question, to modest people… That what would you prefer for your
sister?…Would you prefer your sister, marry a man who already has a wife, or
become a public property. All the modest
people said that…We will choose the
first one, when required. If you can get
a man who has got no wife, then grab him…No problem. Regarding the second part
of the question, that why can’t the Muslim women, be allowed to marry more than
one husband? The reason is that of you analyze if a man
more than one wife , you can identify father as well as the mother. But if a
woman has more than one husband…you can identify the mother, but not the
father. There are today…researches today
done, that you can have genetic coding
and blood testing, which can identify. May be possible…which is
accepted by the court of law …I have got
no objections . That is one of the
reason, may be for the past. These one other reasons, that a man is more sexual
than a woman, biologically. And if a man has more than one partner…more than one wife, there
are no problems of sexual disease. But if a woman is having more than one
husband, then there are chances of Veneral disease, more chance of AIDS, more chance of general diseases.
That’s the reason, why Islam does not allow polyendry. Hope that answers. Birth
control is a very low. Birth control
means… Birth control, is a word used
by every one… should follow this, by
hook or by crook. Like, India takes out a law…Hum Do, Hamare Do… Ek Ke Baad, Abhi Nahi - Do Ke Baad, Kabhi Nahi.
See irrespective of rich and poor, if my parents would have done family
planning, I wouldn’t have been here. I am the fifth child of my parent - I wouldn’t have been in front of you. So
birth control is not allowed in Islam. Birth control is for every one - whether
you are rich or poor… you follow.
Regarding family planning, there are do's and dont's - For that, you can refer to my Video casette - Qur’an and Modern Science - its given
there… it’s a long answer. Hope that answers your question
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